Learn to Cope with the Corruption in Family Court

9 months ago

This episode of the "Corruption in Family Court" differs from the rest because we feature an author and book that will help you learn to cope in Family Court. Danielle Patrice, in her book Neuroscience: The Ecosystem of Domestic Violence, helps you understand what you are going through with an explanation of how trauma changes your body. You also learn through her experiences and expert testimonies that you are not alone in wondering what you are doing wrong in Court. Understanding your body and why you feel many of the things that you feel will help you to be able to control your emotions and reactions, which is a primary key to winning your case. As an Expert Witness and Abuse/Corruption Analyst in Family Court, I wanted to share this information because too many Alienated Parents are falsely accused because of not understanding how to cope in Court. Coming soon, more stories of "Corruption in Family Court." Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have a story of "Corruption in Family Court" that you want to tell.

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