SLOBODNI podcast #81 dr. Aseem Malhotra-Big pharma patološki trče samo za profitom

4 months ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ Efikasnost cjepiva protiv infekcija je nula. Višak smrtnosti kojme svjedočimo je vrlo vjerojatno povezan sa cjepivom. Moj prijatelj onkolog tvrdi da rast karcinoma je posljedica cjepljenja. Ovo su neke od izjava koje ste mogli čuti u ovom intervju sa dr. Aseemom Malhotrom koji je jedan od najpoznatijih britanskih kardiologa. Poslušajte njegovo putovanje koje je posebno zanimljivo u vrijeme pandemije.
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ The effectiveness of vaccines against infections is zero. The excess mortality we are witnessing is very likely related to the vaccine. My oncologist friend claims that cancer growth is the result of vaccinations. These are some of the statements you could hear in this interview with Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who is one of the most famous British cardiologists. Listen to his journey, which is especially interesting during the pandemic.

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