How did "sin" itself change in the New Covenant?

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In Romans 7:7, Paul says that he wouldn't have known sin unless he heard about it in the law. There is an idea that Roman's, especially chapter 7, is about being stuck in a sinful place that we need to be set free from. But then he says in Romans 8 that we have been set free from it. So, have we been set free from sin? How can that be when we obviously still are imperfect? This all stems from an important concept that I want to talk to you about, and it has to do with how sin itself is demonstrated and addressed in scripture. And you will see how this is integral to the New Covenant, and the Christian life--and at the end of this study, you will see how Jesus Himself said thus very thing. God bless you! YouTube memberships are now available, consider joining to help a brother out!

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