Starbucks Mystery School 240523 SPECIAL EDITION - Solarians show up

9 months ago

Solarians Show Up 240523

Music: Epidemic Sound
Energized Morning - Airae

Vibration Matching
Calling the Solarians
Who are the Solarians, you ask? Here’s where you can find the answer within the first two paragraphs.
If you like to see evidence of recent multidimensional activity, this is the latest in my realm.

a series of events lead me to call on the Solarians tonight
who have been around me in the Sedona area for months now
so when I opened the door to the apartment I’m in
this is what appeared 10 feet away
Quite surprisingly from close allies I trust,
their initial reaction to what I shared - projected a fear response
understand that my purpose for sharing is to get you beyond
the 3D reflex of fear to one of excitement and wonder
to prepare you for this imminent benevolent contact
that is waiting for you to reach out, ask and receive too
I’ll just shut up now and let you enjoy their presence

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