They're injecting the disease in every shot

9 months ago

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

The only other thing to show you in the next slide is just what syncetin are, virus envelope fused cells, but that inset there shows you. That's my, that's my pen under my microscope showing syncetia: that's virus enveloped fused cells, the expression of the S protein. This is a paper in 2021, where they rewrote the litterature. So if you just express the spike protein the envelope alone, and that was Dr. Ruscetti's work from 1980. We knew alone. If you inject to the envelope alone, you cause disease. That answers the question. They're injecting the disease in every shot. Please don't let them boost you and kill you. If you got lucky and it didn't kill you yet. Take care of your immune system.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 07/12/2022

Full Episode with Alpha Warrior:

Mirrored The Real Dr Judy

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