Put On The Armor of God by Faith!!!

9 months ago

Put on The Armor of God by Faith!!!
RECEIVE JESUS IN YOUR HEART AND ZOE LIFE!! CALL ON JESUS NAME AND HE WILL SAVE YOU!! YOU WILL BE BORN AGAIN, ‘in Christ” and ready for the rapture!! Do not go through WW3 and The Great Tribulation!!
ПРОСТОЙ БОЖИЙ ПЛАН СПАСЕНИЯ God's Simple Plan Of Redemption in Russian!! https://rumble.com/v4wf55q--gods-simple-plan-of-redemption-in-russian.html
Jesus is coming to Rapture the church!!WW3 is near!!! Ask Jesus into your heart and Zoe Life, Be Born Again placed IN CHRIST!! CALL ON JESUS NAME AND HE WILL SAVE YOU!!!
The Russians shooting Missiles off the California Coast!!! Receive Jesus in your heart now and Zoe Life in Jesus name amen. Call on Jesus name and He Will save you!!!AS HE IS... APOSTLE JOHN BUNKER BUSTERS https://rumble.com/v4vzka2-as-he-is...-apostle-john... https://rumble.com/v4vsul2-partakers-of-the-divine-nature... Partakers of The Divine Nature aith Confessions Part 2 With Scriptures. Complete. https://rumble.com/v4vnqnz-faith-confessions-part-2-with... END TIME PROPHECY!!! SOMEONE WILL BE UNLUCKY ENOUGH TO BE GOG OF MAGOG!!! EZEKIEL 38, 39 Receive Jesus in your heart and Zoe Life!! CALL ON Jesus and He will save you!!! Rom 10:9,17 Adam AND JESUS In Adam All Die!! In Christ Jesus Shall All Be Made Alive Receive the Holy Spirit and Prayer language in Jesus name https://rumble.com/v4t2stc-receive-your-heavenly-prayer... I have been out of work for a year. Hi, We would Appreciate your Contributions as we Share The Word of God and Build you up In Christ! Pay Pal paypal.me/mikekorze Buy Me A Coffee.... https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mikekorzew Identification with Jesus!!!! Part 5 Paul's Revelation https://rumble.com/v4jpsoi-identification-with-jesus-in-a... 12 THINGS WE HAVE AND ARE IN CHRIST HEALING IN CHRIST https://rumble.com/v4k1y99-healing-in-christ.html Raised with Him!!! EW Kenyon https://rumble.com/v4rtwi3-raised-with-him-ew-kenyon.html Are you In Christ, Receive Jesus in your heart and Zoe Life Be Born Again In Christ Jesus https://rumble.com/v4lymxf-are-you-in-christ-and-receive.... Are you In Christ, Receive Jesus in your heart and Zoe Life Be Born Again In Christ Jesus RECEIVE THE FULLNESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!https://rumble.com/v4lymxf-are-you-in-christ-and-receive.... All Things Are Ready!!! https://rumble.com/v4lyx4b-all-things-are-ready-ew-kenyon... CONFESSIONS OF FAITH https://rumble.com/v4kof5l-confessions-of-faith-revised.html https://rumble.com/v4kjkx5-importance-of-pauls-revelation... IMPORTANCE OF PAUL'S REVELATION PART 1 MAN IS A SPIRIT 12 Things Jesus Did In His Death and Resurrection!! Identification with Jesus In A Nutshell!! Part 5 of Paul's Revelation!! https://rumble.com/v4jpsoi-identification-with-jesus-in-a...

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