What a drag2

10 months ago

Self Identified Vermont Governor and 2024 candidate in exile Kevin Hoyt interviews more concerned parents and upset citizens who are NOT exactly thrilled with school indoctrination and "drag story hours" now hitting our tax funded PUBLIC libraries or the political, SICK agenda driving all this. An interesting conversation about the very abused and hijacked LGBTQ community and how their community is part of our community also. Tips and suggestions to get actively involved, easily participate and start fighting back.. FOR YOUR CHILDREN.
PLEASE SHARE if you are also concerned-
The good people of LYNDON and throughout Vermont; where are you?
Call Cobleigh library 802 626 5475 and tell Library Director Bryn Hoffman:
“We as Lyndonville citizens do not want our tax dollars going to support perversions in our public library. We do not want men dressed as women aka transvestites normalizing perversions under the guise of reading a story to children. We want and demand a clean library.”

We are urging concerned citizens to also contact Lyndonville VT police Chief Jack Hoffman to relay your concerns and request assistance from our authorities to stand against what we consider an abuse of public funding, an abuse of our children and an evil political aganda that WE do not agree with.
Contact the Chief @802 6261271

For more information on how to organize and get involved:
CONTACT: karen@massresistance.org

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Kevin's information & Monetary donations:

Follow Kevin on:
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/KevinHoytVT
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/kevin.hoyt.79?mibextid=ZbWKwL
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