CCP Military Expert Reveals Strategy to Encircle Taiwan During Military Exercises

9 months ago

05/24/2024 CCP Military expert unveils new model for encircling Taiwan: Most of Taiwan’s resources and energy are dependent on imports. Therefore, once Taiwan is blockaded, it could easily lead to economic collapse and social unrest on the island. Through such exercises, we aim to implement a new model of containment and deterrence.
05/24/2024 中共军事专家揭露围困台湾的新模式:台湾的资源和能源大部分依赖进口,所以一旦台湾岛被围堵封困,就很容易造成岛内经济的崩溃和社会的动荡。我们就是要通过这样一种演练来实现我们围堵慑压的新模式。

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