Comments 141-144: The Democrats Are The Revised National Socialists German Workers' Party From 1920

9 months ago

Comment Number 141 is on the YVETTE CARNELL channel. Comment Number 142 is on the JESSE LEE PETERSON channel. Comment Number 143 is on a private video channel and Comment Number 144 is on the YVETTE CARNELL channel. Can Writers for the Internet misinform you. HOW? The National Socialists German Workers' Party that began in 1920 is Far Left not Far Right. Anything and anyone that says differently is Lying to You. In addition, America's Democrats and Far Left began their current ascent to power in 2020, exactly 100 years later. What's going to happen to Black children 50 to 100 years from now when White people will be less than 45 percent of the population? In order to have a one world government in the West -- America must be destroyed. The so-called Mainstream Media is the Democrat Party's Joseph Goebbels propaganda machine. The future for Black children is in Africa or Black Africa whichever you prefer.

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