A vision of an eye

7 months ago

Since I come to Seoul I had an incredible amounts of dejavu’ included the one I wrote about that was actually a dream I had that turn out to show up in the Templestay I stayed for a month, I knew that coming to Korea was important for my Soul and I wasn’t surprised when the day I met a girl that played such a big part in my awakening and change coming out of the train station this advertisement greeted me

In Seoul there was a slice of my Soul that I believe I needed to take back to step up and keep walking on my life path, dejavu’, premonitions wasn’t the only thing that happened but even visions in my meditations included one where an eye showed up and then again in an other meditation session, explanations I found over the internet says that is my third eye opening and considering the pressure and heat I have been feeling in my forehead it feels to be the case.

Now this strong need to learn Reiki again once I’m back in London and this strong feeling to deep into Souls healing practice tells me that how I’m healing I can now use those life experiences to help and heal others, the eye vision in my meditation at Justbe Templestay was powerful and the boost of heat and energy in my hands felt during the singing Tibetan bowls course made me seriously wanting to play a bigger role in the planet healing, my Grandmother was a healer and helped so many people I now feel inclined to going trough the same path in some way.

Seoul my Soul

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