Strong Justice Baby Steps Energy Vlog

9 months ago

Strong Justice Baby Steps Energy Vlog title is from the amplitude at a power of 26. The Date which is May 25, 2024 thus 38 which adds to 11 the Justice card may it be fair balanced and based on the true facts.Baby Steps is the Starseed Oracle card that flipped out for us trust your intuition before it makes sense.

The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure News site did not update all it charts. We made a SWAG on what we did getl. The amplitude at a power of 26 thus we add to get # 8 Teh Strength Card asking us to be strong and brave as we face our demons. The Quality at a power of 7 The Chariot card taking charge and moving swiftly toward our goal. The frequency average is 7.70 hertz thus the Temperance card with balance and Healing we come back to our divine self.

Space Weather News site showed us a class C CME popping off at a ninety degree angle away form us on the incoming limb of the sun. The Sunspot group that gave us trouble earlier in the month is returning. The Soalr wind density is about 5 protons per centimeter The solar wind speed is at 450 (KPS). The temperature is about 250,000 kelvin. The lKP Index is in the green zone.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weateher News site:

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