7 months ago

I would like to ask the author/illustrator of this book, the Placer County School Board (any school district across our great nation), and any adult, parent or otherwise, why they believe children as young as 4 years old should be exposed to this subject matter. And I’d also like to ask them how being exposed to these concepts will enrich their lives in a positive way and help them become mentally and physically capable adults. My last question to all of them would be, “If we were in societal agreement that this material was inappropriate for children 20 years ago, why do they deem it appropriate today”? The truth is our children should be our most protected class with nothing and no one coming before them. There are only two sides to this fight and the right side still believes this. If you do not, for whatever reason, you are on the wrong side. You are an advocate of evil and I will do everything in my power to oppose you.

ON PODCAST: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2SEBWu90bmq1TNIg32sq74

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