The Spiritual vs Information

8 months ago

When people are talking about the flower of life and how there’s no straight lines you’re talking about the spirit, the energy.
When people talk about the cube and the six sides, and how six relates and is replicated throughout nature. We’re talking about the form that represents the structure that represents the laws for formulas, the matrix, that’s the information part of the equation.
People that side with the information, the intelligence, the psychology, formulas and the reversing of formulas, the illuminati, are those people that have no ears and no eyes for the paranormal = the energy = The Spirit
These are not the flower of life people being led. These guys only wants to read about the experience because they’re only down with the information and they’ll never know what’s coming they have no anticipation. Like musicians who play by timing information and precision. The guys who play by feel, that’s the people that are being led by the spirit, they sense and know where they’re going. They anticipate. The information people can only tell you how things have gone and why they went that way. They won’t venture into where things are going, they don’t believe in what people have said being correct so many years later, even the people who have a great track record, It doesn’t matter, the information based no ear no eyes camp only want to tell you about the people that come behind the prophecy and attempt to explain how and why it’s not true, it’s an illusion and then they move the goal post to it’s no big deal, and then they change the subject because they can’t deal with this realm.

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