Mad Service Do’s With Madhu Aka Madhuri Pura Dasa

9 months ago

In this April 9, 2024 conversation with Madhuri Pura Dasa -- more affectionately known as Madhu -- we talk about his journey as a young man finding inspiration in the Bhagavad Gita, so much so it inspired him to ordain as a monk in the Bhakti yoga tradition after turning 18 years old and the his transition back into "normal life" now saturated with service. Madhu also gives some practical basics for wellbeing, the vital importance of the mind, Ayurveda, healing, consciousness, awareness, the opportunities of the rare and precious human incarnation, various ways he connects with divinity, Kirtan, and more

*Reach out to Madhu at with the word "integrating" to get access to a series from his team about integrating meditative practices on a day-to-day basis*


Madhu, formerly a monk, is a Holistic Health & Business Lifestyle Coach who has trained hundreds of health and wellness professionals, coaches and influencers in ancient sciences and helps them create 6 & 7 figure online business. He lived and trained for half a decade as a monk in the Bhakti Yoga tradition. During these years, he travelled extensively studying Vedic arts and sciences under renowned teachers. In his free time he is a professional musician who tours internationally.

About Madhuri Pura Dasa:

'I was born into a family of yogis, but for most of my childhood I took spirituality for granted. Everything changed when I was sixteen. My father offered to pay me $100 to read the ancient wisdom text Bhagavad Gita. Eager to become a rich teenager, I accepted his offer. However, it completely changed my life and perspective, and touched my heart so deeply that I refused to accept the money!

With a burning desire to dedicate my life to living and sharing spiritual wisdom, I became a monk on my eighteenth birthday. For five years I lived in various monasteries across the United States and India, studying under world renowned teachers and intermittently traveling the world.

When I graduated from the monastery, I was eager to bring my passion out into the world. Not knowing how to build a sustainable career out of my offerings, I traveled profusely for years, working tirelessly to network and arrange workshops where I could share the knowledge and tools I had learned as a monk. But I was struggling to make ends meet, barely covering my travel expenses.

I was overworking my body and mind. Scattered and constantly on the go, I felt enriched by my teaching work, but at the same time my personal and spiritual lives were suffering, and I wasn’t able to spend the quality time with my wife that I wanted. I had settled for this life, accepting that maybe I just didn’t deserve more. I was afraid of what it might take to truly build the life I wanted.

Thankfully, under the guidance of expert teachers and coaches, I learned how to integrate my purpose and offerings into a sustainable business model. I launched Madhu Life and have found an incredibly nourishing balance between my health, spiritual practices, professional life, and relationships. This is the transformation I am inspired to facilitate for all my clients – navigating the various aspects of their lives so that all aspects are balanced and supporting each other!

My mission is to help my clients thrive – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually! Everyone who works with me hones in deeply on their vision for their life, identifies what is holding them back, builds the structure to support transformation, and expands it to grow exponentially from there!

I love teaching more than anything. I’m passionate about making ancient, transformative Vedic arts and sciences relevant and accessible for everyone, while still preserving their authenticity and purity. First and foremost though, I remain an avid student. This, I strongly believe, is the qualification of a teacher.'

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