Just a Look at PlanOn System Solutions DocuPen Portable Handheld Scanner DPEN-DW DPEN-RC800 2003

6 months ago

PlanOn System Solutions DocuPen Portable Handheld Scanner DPEN-DW DPEN-RC800 Complete 2003

I was unable to get the DocuPen / Device to work on my computer. The software & Drivers were not compatible with Windows 10 or 11. So i faked / simulated the Transfer of Documents from the DocuPen / Device to my PC. My PC kept telling me that the Device was not recognized.

Purchased on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=docupen+rc-800&_sacat=0&_odkw=docupen+rc-8000&_osacat=0

GiZ WiZ Original 1st Show: https://twit.tv/shows/weekly-daily-giz-wiz/episodes/1?autostart=false

DoCuPeN Website Article: http://livedigitally.com/docupen-scan-on-the-run/

PlanOn System Solutions DocuPen Portable Scanner DPEN-DW Brand New Complete 2003

DocuPen Portable Scanner

Handheld Scanner


The DocuPen RC800 color handheld scanner


USB 1.0/1.1, USB 2.0

GiZ WiZ 1st Episode Link: https://twit.tv/shows/weekly-daily-giz-wiz/episodes/1?autostart=false


DocuPen Portable Scanner

PlanOn System Solutions DocuPen Portable Scanner DPEN-DW Brand New Complete 2003

DocuPen Portable Scanner

Handheld Scanner


The DocuPen RC800 color handheld scanner


USB 1.0/1.1, USB 2.0


DocuPen Portable Scanner
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video PlanOn System Solutions DocuPen Portable Handheld Scanner DPEN-DW DPEN-RC800 Complete 2003 Giz WiZ

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