Strange Antiquities - Official Reveal Trailer

10 months ago

Get a peek at the world of Strange Antiquities in this trailer for the upcoming sequel to the occult puzzle game Strange Horticulture. Strange Antiquities will be available on Steam. Strange Antiquities is a brand-new adventure set in the quaint and gloomy town of Undermere, where you’ll become the owner of a store dealing in occult antiquities. Use your maps to explore the town, find and identify arcane artefacts, and use your collection to aid the townsfolk with their unusual problems. And please—remember to pet your cat!

As the Thaumaturge’s apprentice, you’ll be tasked with running a shop dealing with mysterious antiques. But when hundreds of ravens start circling over the town of Undermere, those in the know become concerned. Occult Scholar Verona Green visits Strange Antiquities to inquire about the unnatural series of events. However, before she can meet with you, events take a sinister turn.

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