Little Girl Keeps Stinky Breath List

6 years ago

Some people would be served well by heeding those words made famous by Broadway sensation Idina Menzel and just letting it all go, because holding a grudge is never a good thing. Keeping a running mental list of things or people who wronged you isn’t the healthiest practice, but an ACTUAL list? That is some professional level cold-bloodedness. As you’ll soon see, this little girl never forgets who breathed around her with stinky breath. Note to her friends: don’t forget your gum.

Like most little girls her age, this one keeps a diary. Nothing out of the ordinary there. What is truly unique about it is she gives marks for those who are good in her book, and those with dreaded stinky breath. Her mother seems pretty surprised and bemused by this revelation, especially the fact that halitosis apparently means a “bad for life” designation. She’s apparently unaware this affliction can be taken care of quite easily with many different varieties of breath freshener.

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