Do you really know Me? Are you Part of My Body? Then open your Heart… 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

8 months ago

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Do you really know Me? Are you Part of My Body? Then open your Heart…

October 11, 2010 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, He who is called Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy during an Online Fellowship, for The Lord’s Little Flock, and for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord, your Life, of which I have given you and also restored… Am I not He, beloved? Am I not The One? Am I not He, whom you have waited for since your formation? And if I am He, and in Me you are made once again, even in this greater glory, how is it you remain hard and unfaithful to My body?…

Judging amongst yourselves, comparing one to the other, washing NOT My feet? For many of you sit still… Some staring straight ahead, and some moving about this way and that, without direction, failing to see the way ahead… Are you not moved by Me? I ask you still, are you not moved by Me, little flock?

I have spoken to you, in a great multitude of words and bright and loving speeches… Behold, I am speaking to you even now, in My love, according to My heart, which yearns for you to come into My love, so you may truly know Me, as I am.

And so I ask you, once again, do you really know Me? Are you part of My body? Have you truly come out from amongst them, heeding the call of The Most High? For who upon Earth is like you, little flock?… Who among this multitude of peoples, far and wide, has received that which I have offered you?…

I have come down to you, in spirit and in truth, to speak… Behold, I have indeed spoken! And some among you were given to hear and commanded to write, while still others heard and were blessed in the hearing, sharing My gifts… Living words have passed before your eyes!… Living words, Scripture, written and brought to pass before the eyes of this unbelieving generation! Even now, the book of which you call the Bible lengthens, even as I speak it now, for these words shall surely be remembered… These words shall never pass away!

Beloved, how is it then, that these plates remain uneaten and only partially digested?… I tell you the truth, these words of Mine shall by no means be made part of you, until hearing is brought forth, producing action… To the bearing of much fruit in The Beloved.

And so this is what I say to you, little flock, those who have ears to hear, for indeed you are hearers of the Word, and this is very good. Yet this is what I say to you, now listen and seek to understand…

I have called you out and welcomed you into My body, as easily as I have spoken your names, and still some of you resist Me, and stand outside in the cold, uneasy… Only lightly warmed by the heat, which escapes from this open door… The door which shall soon be shut.

How can one, standing outside My body, feel the heat of My presence? How can one who fails to trust in Me, with abandonment, embrace Me fully? Or how can one, who does not rush in, to sit next to Me at My table, share My cup?… And if one does not drink from My cup, and is unwilling to eat of My bread, how then shall they become like Me?…. With My blood in their veins, with My life in place of theirs.

Therefore, I have sent many to you, to test your resolve, so you might rush forward and fall upon My chest, pouring yourselves out before Me, to give Me all that you are… Or to withdraw, and return to your safe place, which you have made and is passing away…

For those in My body do the same things I did… Yea, even greater things shall they do! And those, who are truly part of My body, wash each other’s feet… MY FEET!… Yea, they provide for God’s messengers, and care for every child, I have placed before them! Think not, that I speak of My servant, Timothy… Behold I, Myself, have provided for him. I, Myself, shall be his provision!… Do not concern yourselves with him.

Therefore, because many of you have withheld from Me, and robbed yourselves of the greater riches, which I would have brought forth in you, for your hearts are displayed and found wanting before the Lord, with your mouths speaking a multitude of pretentious words… From you I will require everything!… Yes, all you have and hold on to, for you remain unwilling.

Behold, you will not even be able to give it away, before the time, yet I will remove it… It shall surely pass from you, it shall be taken until NOTHING remains between us!… For I require your whole hearts! I desire your whole being, for I am in love with you! You are My Bride, and I will not share you with another, nor shall anything of this world capture your gaze!

Have I not poured out?… What have I held back, of all I offered, that you should not receive it? You are blessed beyond compare, beloved!… With God as your own Father!… With The Shepherd of the flock near to your every call, listening and hearing, speaking and blessing… Bestowing grace upon grace, with a multitude of love, in unending kindness… Even as I have been a Father unto you, with a firm and loving hand, with strong arms to hold you… Uplifting you in a Word.

Lo, My servants pass before you, suffering and calling out, living in the trust which you desire, the kind of which remains altogether lacking among you… For theirs is a living, breathing trust in Me!… And yet due to the dullness of your hearts, many of you remain unmoved, holding fast to your safety as though you were in some kind of unseen danger, held fast by a fear of loss which exists only in your minds…

Where is your faith?!… Where is this faith you testify to, with many words… Speaking often to the truth of who I am… Singing songs, praying prayers, glorifying My name in speech and with modern devices, as though your hearts were full?!…

I have looked, and I have not seen it!… Beloved, with tears I cry and say, I have looked and have yet to behold it! In your songs I delight, to your prayers I listen, delighting in your worship… Do not cease…

However, when I look upon you, I see no living trust… For your gates remain closed and locked behind you, with your watershed secure, shedding these latter rains to either side… Because of this temple, which barely has room enough to receive Me, due to all manner of deceits and fears, thoughts and judgments, and unforgiveness which hardens your heart, filling your house which I have swept clean…

Beloved, bring your hearts forward! Open up the gates! And see if that, which I have poured out, doesn’t rush in and overflow your houses, with you not having room enough to receive it! Cast off these bags of deceitful weights! And come and fly with Me, under the freedom of My healing wings, says The Lord…

For it is time to serve, and to let go… To pick up your crosses and follow Me… For if you cannot come to Me now, when I call you forth, and if you yet hesitate at the sound of My voice, when I speak your name, how then shall you come to Me, when I call you home, beloved?

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