Health Benefits of CELERY – What You Need To Know : Skin, Gut, Rosacea & Acne

8 months ago

Health Benefits of CELERY – What You Need To Know : Skin, Rosacea & Acne

Benefits of celery in the diet:
Improved digestion to curing acid reflux, celery is known as a powerful and miraculous healing remedy.

The Medical Medium, Anthony William, started this craze with his book; “Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal.”
Key ingredient in celery - sodium cluster salts.
They are suspended in living water inside the celery.
These salts are the ultimate neurotransmitter and neutralize toxins to prevent cell damage.
The cluster salts fight off unwanted bacteria and viruses that cause symptoms and conditions.
People with chronic illness, auto immune disorders, rosacea, or acne have found celery juice to bring healing to the next level.
Celery juice needs to be consumed alone with no additives first thing when you wake on an empty stomach.
Use a juicer or a blender, wash 16 oz of celery, blend till liquified, strain and drink.

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