3 months ago

Recorded: 13 February 1995 | Ernst Zündel | The Holocaust of Dresden: Ernst Zündel speaks about the Realities of the Dresden bombing and the bombing of other cities in Germany.
Mr. Zündel is standing in front of a WW2 allied bomber in Toronto, it is FREEZING outside and we are on the 13th of February 1995, exactly 50 years after the horror, and he is angry, very angry at the allies for their refusal to publish most remaining classified documents very likely because they contain embarrassing material for them so I am angry as well: I know the winners are lying, they have for 80 years now, consciously, intentionally and viciously to their enemies and that is probably justifiable,(depends) don't they all but to their own people including their grandchildren, telling such highly consequential falsifications to young minds, hungry for learning, carving in them a future of distrust and deep hatred, so deep that logic is not a factor anymore. How many times have I discussed online with people who argue that the whole thing was perfectly justifiable because there was no law against it... okay then, Berlin 314 times, why? There's no law against it so why do it only once? It is cruel and deadly, the war is over, and totally disrespectful of architectural masterpieces and the irreplaceable works of art they contain and of human life itself so let's have fun while we still can, I'm sure that no later than 1948 they will regulate that too, they have to, it's so cruel... and THAT is unforgivable the lie.
And as Mr. Zundel said, I hope you confess and make amends before too long, but not for me, for you, such a heavy load must be difficult to carry around. Respect your family, stop the lies, and free yourself, time for the truth now. Good luck.

————About Ernst Zündel :————
Ernst Zündel (1939 -2017) | AVOF | "There is No Business lie 'SHOAH-Business." - Ernst Zündel
Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel (April 24, 1939 – August 5, 2017) was a German publisher and pamphleteer (known for promoting Holocaust Denial). He was jailed several times: in Canada for publishing literature ("likely to incite hatred against an identifiable group"), and on charges of being a threat to national security; in the United States, for overstaying his visa; and in Germany for charges of "inciting racial hatred". Zündel died at his home in Germany, of a suspected heart attack, on August 5, 2017.

————My Tidbit:————
"To me, these types of guys are giants in truth-seeking, there are many like them, honorable folk who wish for 'History Revision' based on evidence and primal facts. Is it a crime to ask questions?
They say the TRUTH is no defense, I say the TRUTH will prevail.
Canon: All Law is first Auricular. (Spoken into being)
'Holocaust Revisionists' do not deny the Jews were persecuted, expelled, put into concentration and labor camps, and suffered and perished in large numbers during World War 2.

——Holocaust Revisionists:——
Holocaust Revisionists primarily espouse 3 points of contention with the official Holocaust story
1. That there was no German plan or order to exterminate every Jew in the world.
2. That 6,000,000 dead figure is a propaganda figure with no basis in the actual number of Jewish dead during World War 2.
3. There were no homicidal gas chambers disguised as shower rooms.
Revisionists provide convincing evidence that what we are told served as homicidal gas chambers either served as morgues, clothing fumigation rooms or were just shower rooms.

• Source: 👉 https://archive.org/details/zundel-dresden-holocaust
• Ernst Zundel Archive: 👉 https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/avof-46-the-holocaust-of-dresden-1945_hGfNgl5ZSHwHTsl.html

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