Go to meeting mintutes 1:20 This is ample of what passes for sanity in Canada...

8 months ago

Advance to 1:20 minutes, This is ample of what passes for sanity in Canada...

Again: NO BODIES FOUND After $8 Million Spent Searching For Bodies…MASS GRAVES HOAX CONFIRMED!
There may be facts that, that many, many people had horrible experiences regarding missionaries and Church leaders around the world as well as canada, not withstanding the many questionable practices they brought upon the Indigenous people, the Irish Immigrants/slaves, the abused French Canadian settlers, the under class and ignorant in and of Canada, not to mention around the world. But to get to the heart of these issues. We must speak truth. You cannot bring false allegations and fake evidence to bear upon what is the heart and wrought emotions of the communities involved.
The point is, claiming graves are present, when of what happened. Never use falsehoods no matter the temptation, there are no evidence of such graves here… There may be some where, but go and find them, do not make them up out of thin air...
This inevitably lets the guilty get away with crimes, and dodge your allegations. This only allows the guilty to skirt their crimes they have committed... So lying like the accused have, does not heal the lies of they made to you...
You are asking a man, the probably useless Mayor (I have zero respect for Politicians however), to apologize for a incidence that never happened, this is another travesty. It does not help any cause, by lying like the evil ones have.
To stand up and cast stones at a man without evidence, regarding a false claim generated by your own Trudeau government, which is all designed by them, to tear your nation apart.
And, doing a very good job of it, I might add.
I really wish people would dig deeper for the actual proof before bringing accusations to this state of near riotous fervor.
Not to mention the nonsense paradigm it creates from the pure evil of dividing a nation for profit, and allowing an easy take over of your rights and futures by the actual evildoers, (Your currently controlled WEF, NWO Globalist run Canadian government). Wake up people before its all gone, your fighting amongst yourselves for scraps when they steal your country out from under you...

Those graves still have not been found, If you believe them to be real, dig them Up.

Why would you expect the same people that buried them to be the ones that uncover them???... Stop spouting conjecture at useless politicians...
This is not helping, and your tears and feelings are not needed right now. Cry later after you find the real truth…
Truth is what will finally free you from your torture.


Frances’ time begins. Her question concerned the claim of the discovery of unmarked graves in Kamloops, BC, which had been discussed without challenge at the previous council meeting:

“Does the council concern itself with misinformation? Does it oppose misinformation being spread and entered into the record.” - Frances Widdowson

The council did not provide an answer. It is obvious to anyone who takes the time to watch this council meeting that the participants were terribly biased, disrespectful and unwelcoming. There was no interest in understanding the motivations of Pat Morton (the Mayor's wife), the Mayor, Frances, or anyone critical of the claims of the Aboriginal Industry. And even though it has been made clear through various Canadian media that the book is a bestseller, there is no interest in its contents, only in denouncing it.

For over an hour, the council permitted various activists and indigenous leaders to speak freely for as long as they liked. Many of them spoke emotionally and aimlessly at length. They were not interrupted, and were offered every indulgence to express themselves - one of them even spoke in an indigenous language that no one in the room could understand. However, when Pat Morton and Frances had their turn to speak, the rules and the tone changed dramatically. All of sudden, a strict adherence to a one question rule was enforced. The other gallery members in attendance and the city councilors themselves were openly hostile to Pat and Frances. It was a disgrace, and extremely difficult to watch an admired colleague and friend treated so disrespectfully.

During a segment where an indigenous person was questioning the Mayor, an unidentified speaker from the gallery can be heard saying, obviously referring to Pat Morton: “Mess up your wife a little.”

The situation in Canada has turned into an alarming totalitarian catastrophe entirely hostile to our liberal democratic tradition. I commend Frances Widdowson for once again shining a much needed sliver of light on what has rapidly evolved into a dark and existential hour in Canadian history.

In an email exchange with Frances earlier today, she had the following to say:

I have concerns about how the pursuit of truth is under threat and the breakdown of democratic principles such as equality under the law.

Besides the fact that Quesnel city councilors completely manipulated procedures to stop members of the public from questioning what they were doing, it seems to me that there are three main issues about "Grave Error" that have come to the surface:

1. The May 2021 false claim that the remains of 215 children were found at Kamloops, and the continued acceptance of this (even by a CBC Associate Producer);

2. How contesting the idea that the residential schools were genocidal is seen as arguing against gravity or for a flat earth (Sean Carleton, the Canadian Historical Association, etc.); and

3. The refusal to accept that the residential schools provided educational benefits to students, even though some kind of "colonial" school system was necessary to educate pre-literate tribal societies.

Of all of these issues, the Kamloops case is key, because the Politically Correct Totalitarians don't care about the evidence; all they want to do is impose their own views on others and use anti-democratic measures to stop people from contesting them.

We are in serious trouble. The emerging totalitarianism must be fought with everything that we have before it is too late.

I share France's concerns. There is an encroaching totalitarianism in Canada that is undeniable. The Quesnel City Council meeting was a Kafkaesque nightmare come to life. We are indeed in serious trouble.

It is mind-boggling the extent to which empathetic people have surrendered their critical thinking capacities over issues and narratives either dominated or imposed by the far-left Critical Social Justice totalitarians. Indigenous issues in Canada, most notably anything that falls under the rubric of “reconciliation,” provides the most illustrative example of this tradeoff between rational thinking and emotional outburst that has occurred within the psyches of too many Canadians who have fallen prey to the Critical Social Justice mind virus.

On Monday Frances was interviewed by a “she/her” CBC journalist named Jordan Tucker. I mention that Tucker’s a “she/her” not because her “she-her”-ness isn’t obvious to anyone who sees her headshot or hears her feminine voice during one of her interviews, but because the inclusion of this obvious-to-anyone-with-half-a-brain information is meant to signal that Jordan Tucker is a woke maniac with no rational grip on reality, just like 99% of the maniacs who attended the clown show in Quesnel. Listen to the interview here.

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