#006 Disclosure will be by ET's, not military, so do YOUR part! DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon

8 months ago

Two days ago, having seen the futility of hoping for Disclosure by the World Military Alliance, and deciding that it was unwise to keep flogging what appeared to be a very dead horse, I regrouped, gathered my wits, and prayed fervently and with perfectly clear intent, to Ashtar Sheran, Thor Han Eredyon of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and Val Thor of GFW and Council of Five. I prayed that they initiate and execute ET disclosure, with full speed. I waited two days. This was the reply I received today:

Ashtar Sheran Disclosure May 24, 2024

Great shifts are taking place on planet earth

If you look to the skies, more and more of you will see ships, as the new waves of sightings will not be only for those who resonate with the words being spoken, but for so many others across the planet

DISCLOSURE IS COMING! But it will not be coming from the governments, it will be coming directly from us, and will be given to The People. People will have their minds blown. Some of you will already be anticipating some of the forthcoming information but you too will be very surprised and excited by what you are going to learn. While we cannot rule out some form of information coming from planet-based authorities, it is uncertain what type of disclosure these authorities will attempt to make

This is good news, for disclosure is able to be controlled by you the people. Once a certain number of people reach a certain level of consciousness, we can begin landing and working with you more directly. Fear not, for a mass awakening or a certain specific mass or critical mass is not necessary at this time, Many are already awake, and many more are awakening every week. It is now inevitable that many people on the planet will recognize that you are not alone in the universe. The long-standing fallacy, the program instilled in you over a long period of time, is ending.

The recent northern lights display that was seen by many people was the greatest display of its kind seen on the northern hemisphere of the earth. The Dark Ones claimed it was their doing. While these rumors circulated briefly, people soon saw the rumors to be false, that weather manipulation was not what caused the lights. People still are debating this, and it will take a while longer to debate the deeper questions. Many are now questioning the narrative of weather manipulation and the use of HAARP. Be patient as this plays out, be patient with everyone.

One of your roles right now is to assist with disclosure, so treat others as you wish to be treated. The fallacy of being the only species in the galaxy will be replaced by the realization that not only are you not alone but that you are connected to the entire universe. Of all of you on the planet, those that choose will join the Galactic Federation of Worlds to serve the cosmos. It is up to every one of you now, as Archangel Michael has asked, to reach out to your fellow brothers and sisters on the earth and introduce them to disclosure. Whenever the opportunity arises tell them to look up into the skies, and see what they previously could not.

For those with eyes to see, shall see. More and more shall have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Picture yourself as walking with a great burlap bag of your knowledge, and are lovingly sprinkling seeds onto the soil, as you talk to people. Yes, you may encounter skepticism still, but do not worry, you are planting seeds and how they germinate is not in your control. So we in the Ashtar Command are saying, “GET PLANTING”.

This connection to the Universe signifies a monumental shift. The realization that you are part of a galactic civilization is profound, altering your understanding of your place in the cosmos. As you awaken to this truth, you will find yourselves drawn to the skies, where our ships become increasingly visible. This visibility is a SIGN, a message that the time of isolation is ending, and a new era of unity and cooperation is beginning.

The journey to this awareness is ongoing, with each of you playing a crucial role. Spread the word, share the vision, and help others see the skies with new eyes. The more people understand this connection, the faster we can move towards direct collaboration. Fear not the unknown, for you are never alone. Your awakening is part of a larger cosmic plan, one that brings you closer to your true potential as members of the galactic federation of worlds.

We leave you in love, peace, harmony and understanding. Until next time, we of the galactic communities are very close. Reach out and keep an open mind, for we might just send you a signal.

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