Hit Location and Close Minded Credentialism cultists

9 months ago

In this insightful video, we dive into the often controversial topic of hit location systems in role-playing games (RPGs). Despite their potential to add depth and realism to gameplay, hit location mechanics are frequently dismissed by a vocal subset of the community, often termed as "Close-Minded Credentialism cultists." These individuals typically resist innovation, relying heavily on traditional credentials and established norms to gatekeep and discredit new ideas.

Join us as we explore why these systems are met with such resistance and how this attitude stifles creativity and evolution in RPG mechanics. We'll discuss examples of hit location systems done right, debunk common misconceptions, and illustrate how open-mindedness can lead to more engaging and dynamic gameplay experiences. Whether you're a game designer, a seasoned player, or new to RPGs, this video will provide you with a fresh perspective on why embracing new ideas in game mechanics is crucial for the growth and diversity of our beloved gaming community. Tune in to challenge the status quo and consider how open-minded exploration can enrich your next RPG session!

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