The Grand Universe PART 1 OF 60 - FACT OR FICTION?

9 months ago

Stephen Sindoni attempts to explain how planet Earth relates to the Creators overall evolutionary spiritual plan in the video entitled "The Grand Universe Part I." Additional translation to follow:

Spanish Translation: Stephen Sindoni intenta explicar cómo el planeta Tierra se refiere a los creadores del plan general de la evolución espiritual en el video titulado "El Gran Universo."

Italian Translation: Stephen Sindoni cerca di spiegare come il pianeta Terra si riferisce al piano generale di creatori evolutivo spirituale nel video intitolato "La Grande Universo."

French Translation: Stephen Sindoni tente d'expliquer comment la planète Terre se rapporte aux créateurs plan global d'évolution spirituelle dans la vidéo intitulée «Le Grand Univers."

German Translation: Stephen Sindoni versucht zu erklären, wie die Erde um die Schöpfer insgesamt evolutionäre spirituelle Plan im Video mit dem Titel bezieht sich "The Grand Universum."

Portuguese Translation: Stephen Sindoni tenta explicar como o planeta Terra se relaciona com os criadores plano espiritual geral da evolução no vídeo intitulado "O Grande Universo."

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