Pocket Pema Chödrön: 25 - Recognizing Our Kinship With Others (Yamsox Live Reading April 4th, 2024)

4 months ago

Dive into the timeless wisdom of the Pocket Pema Chodron as we explore the profound teachings on kinship, aggression, and the universal interconnectedness that binds us all. Unearth the roots of aggression traced back to ignorance and uncover the pivotal role of understanding our deep connections to transcend conflict and foster a life of harmony. This journey offers indispensable insights for navigating the complexities of modern life with ancient spiritual guidance, inviting you to discover the essence of kinship and unity in our global village.

00:00:00 Exploring Kinship in the Pocket Pema Chodron
00:01:15 The Root of Aggression: Ignorance and Interconnectedness

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