Awesome rave party in the 90s with lots of dancing, fun and good music

8 months ago

Another example of the master in simplicity music. Its rave its from the 90s and sure the people are having fun and they dance great but the music also is briliant and you cant dance like this on some other music. You might not see it but the music has excelent perfection progression towards the keyboard tunes which is the High as its called in rave music, the music that is supposed to be higher frequency elevate by the Base music which is more tribal, to the roots. And of course the high music is supported by the tribal base music but the last one is not dominant. Also the tribal music is supported by some high frequency sounds and buildup towards the chorus of the song. Even if there are no words. The alarm in the background is also perfect not too little not overused. The dance is asymetric, everyone is dancing in their own pace and no two movement are the same. There is no "beat" and that BS we often hear in modern dancing.
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