Prophet Julie Green - The Countdown Has Begun - Captions

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4 months ago

God is speaking to his children, warning them of the impending downfall of their enemies who have been in power and control over the nations. He assures them that justice and judgment are coming for those who have committed crimes and deceived the people. He also warns of false flag events and distractions, but encourages his children to hold on to him and his word for protection and peace. God also mentions specific names and events that will come to light, showing his control and presence in the world. He urges his children to focus on him and not be deceived or distracted by the enemy's actions.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Today’s Scriptures:

Matt. 5:13-16
Ps. 118:24
1 John 4:4
John 14:12
2 Cor. 5:7
Matt. 7:7-8
Ps. 43:1-2
Ps. 75:7
Ps. 46:1-2, 7, 9-11
Ps. 47:1-3, 8-9
Ps. 50:15
Ps. 34:17-19
Ps. 94:15-23
Eccles. 1:9
2 Cor. 4:18
Ex. 14:13-14
Isa. 54:17
Eph. 6:17
John 16:33
John 17:13-17

El Elyon- The Most High God
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible

God gives us signs in the sun, moon, stars, and heavens. The enemy wants to deceive, distract and destroy. Have your heart fixed on God. Light and God's life will always destroy the darkness. You have power, authority and dominion over fear. The shaking is two-fold: Shaking against the enemy and a shaking to receive God's Glory. God is your refuge and fortress. Trust God and His Words over your enemies. God is doing things in unusual, unprecedented, and unconventional ways.

Full Video Transcript:

Which is his promise and his goodness because God is faithful and God loves each and every one of you. And I love it why my kids used to watch the Veggietales and they always said God made you special and he loves you very much. But what a true statement that is. And not no no matter what we do no matter how you know Things may appear in our life if we just held on to the fact that God Does love us and that's the reason why he sent his only begotten son He sent Jesus Christ for each and every one of us.

He sent him here to live so he would die So he would sacrifice so he would destroy the keys of hell death and the grave for each and every one of us We make him our lord and savior. We invite him into our hearts We give our life up to live for him. There was times where I told him take my life and do something with it to further your kingdom.

God will take that literally and he will do that. God wants each and every one of us to be his vessels to reach the world to give hope and encouragement. Because what we see our enemies doing on a continual basis is to bring discouragement, is to bring fear and torment, torture, chaos, Disruptions, confusion.

That's what they bring. That's what the vessels of the enemy brings. They bring death. They bring darkness. They bring evil and corruption. But remember what God's word says that we're supposed to be the salt and the light. Salt cleanses. And light destroys darkness. And as we learned in yesterday's live show, God talked about, even in the midst of darkness, all the ones that he's been prophesying all these different words about darkness coming about darkness coming over and over and over again, and people are leaning and looking to the darkness and being in fear and they're afraid and they're panicking and what's going on in the darkness and what will happen during this darkness.

And God is saying the light arises. In darkness, God's light destroys darkness. God's glory will be seen even more in darkness because people will look more to God than looking to other people. They will look to God for the solution and not themselves. That's what people do in desperate times and in desperate situations.

They look to Him, even though we should look to Him in every situation, whether that's good or bad. We should be always looking and be confident in the Lord that He is, this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. We should be looking to God for every answer in every part of our life.

We should be looking to him, not just in times when it's bad, not just in times when evil is ruling, it looks like, good and bad times. God should always be first and foremost in our life. And that's why every day I tell you to don't take my word for it, get into the Word of God and see what he's saying to you.

Because God wants a relationship with you. He wants you to fellowship with him. He wants you to know how special you are. He wants to know how important you are He wants to know how loved you are. He wants to show you his goodness Remember he sees us through the sacrifice of Jesus he sees us through that love He sees us through that blood.

He sees us through what jesus has done for us That's how he sees us. So each and every day rejoice Because we have another day on this earth. Rejoice because the greater one lives on the inside of us and he that's in the world. No matter what problems you're facing in your life today, nothing is bigger than God.

And if we remind ourselves that every day and in every way, then there's always something to rejoice about. There's always something to be happy about, even in the midst of chaos. We can sit there and shout and be happy because God is in control. Even when it looks like everything is out of control, God is in control.

God can take chaos. He can take darkness. He can take all this corruption, all this evil, and he can wipe it out. in a day. He proves that to us time and time again in his word. Because he's El Elyon. He's the Most High God. He wants us to know him as El Elyon. To know that he is bigger. To have that confidence on the inside of us.

That we should be fully convinced that God is bigger. There are storms all over the place right now. God is bigger. You speak to those storms and you tell those storms to be still. Remember all the things that Jesus did, He said you will do even greater works. I've had to do it. I've had to speak to storms in my area.

I've had to speak that would no damage would come to my home Or no damage would come to where my husband was working or where my children were working or whatever at that time You speak to those storms and you speak remember you have the blood You may not be able to see that blood that you're pleading the blood of jesus over your homes and over your properties over your family You may not be able to see it But our adversary can.

He knows where he can't go. So you speak. Those storms cannot go near you. Or near your dwelling places. Or your places of work. You hold your head, hold your head high. Keep it held up there and go, God, I that you're in control. I father, God, that I'm going to look to you and everything. I father, God, that you are the key.

I father, God, that you are the solution. You are the way maker. Even when I can't see a way out of

any of this. You are that way and this is your day and we will rejoice and be glad in it. So I hope that encouraged you because everybody needs that encouragement on a daily basis to know we are not supposed to walk by sight. We're supposed to walk by faith. We're believers. It's in our name. If we're believers, then we should believe.

We should believe that God is greater, believe that God is bigger, believe that God is the key, believe that God is the answer, and believe that God is the waymaker, and He is the way out of all of this that we see. Alright, it's part of that encouragement segment this morning, and I'm gonna get part of this prophetic word.

Now this is one I heard a lot. I think it was last, yeah, last week was the 28th. I think it was Thursday. And this one, the Lord had given me, remember, I, I, I did mention something where the Lord said the countdown has begun. Okay. The countdown has begun. And we're going to find out what that countdown is for.

But, and when all this stuff is going on around the world, regarding this eclipse, You're seeing all these different things. God does give us signs in the sun. He does give us signs in the moon. He does give us signs in the stars, in the heavens. He gives us signs. Not only has he been giving us signs and giving us, hey, say, hey, pay attention.

But he's also been giving us these prophetic words. He's been giving us encouragement every day. He's been giving us scriptures every day to hold on to. God is trying to get the world's attention. When you have people say that God doesn't prophesy or he won't talk every day. If the enemy does so can God and God will speak louder than the enemies.

I promise. And God will want to get your attention more than the enemies can get your attention. God is bigger. And no matter how he has to get our attention, we just know that he can, he will and be prepared. Be watchful. Have your hearts fixed. On the Lord because things are about to change Okay Now in this prophetic word this morning again, it's called the countdown has begun and I heard this word on March 28th.

I'm just gonna make sure everything is okay with rumble before I to continue.

All right, it is All right. Now first paragraph for I the lord this day am telling my children The countdown has begun for your enemy's existence in their places of power and control upon this earth. The clock is ticking on their influence. And their financial control. Their expiration date is almost up of their news controlling the nations.

My children soon it will be like they never existed or had any power over you at all

to the supposed leaders against my nations. The jig is up. You would say proof is coming. Truth is coming. Explosions are coming. The traps were set and my children, your enemies are caught in them all.

Tyrants, traitors, thieves, murderers, liars, deceivers, and these so called politicians. They've tried to lord over you for so long. The evidence is pouring out worldwide, and nothing will stop the avalanche of truth to destroy your enemy's power, to destroy their governments, to destroy their news media, and any outlet they have control over.

They are finished dominating and lording over the nations.

The shaking you are seeing in the entertainment industry has only just begun. Many will fall for their disgusting acts, They've committed against the children what will take place in the rap industry will be shocking What will take place in the music industry will be appalling to see what so many have done behind closed doors

Hollywood will be torn apart and the crimes they have committed are about to all be released It will all be destroyed by me in my right hand Hollywood has a lot to answer for With all the crimes against children, all the crimes against this nation, and the world. How they influenced, seduced, manipulated, brainwashed, and have destroyed the lives of so many.

A great shaking is coming to Hollywood in more ways than one. Actors, directors, producers, everyone will be brought down for the crimes they've committed. No one has escaped judgment. Justice is coming to this nation like a freight train. That no one can stop.

Klaus Schwab. Justice. Judgment is coming and nothing you have have will prevent your fall and your collapse of your plans. Soon your breath will be taken from you because you have taken it from so many. You are reaping what you have sown and soon it will be your end sayeth. The Lord of hosts

explosive evidence and proof are coming to show the world the dark side of Microsoft, what crimes they have committed been committing against humanity. What they have done against your privacy and your lives. My children, I Am judging this company and wiping out their finances and their power over you.

It doesn't matter how big they are or how big they look. They're not bigger than me.

Banks are about to collapse. Many corporations will fall to bankruptcy to a degree. No one ever thought possible. Wall street will shake and it will crash never to get up again. I Am destroying that Ponzi scheme against you that enslaved you and that Godless evil and demonic system. Some made money. Yes.

But this system was never meant for you. It was for your enemies and their continual lording. Over you. It's all about to crash like never before. So do not fear my children because every resource taken from your enemies will be given back to you, saith the Lord of hosts

Something major is about to happen in Kazakhstan that will get the world's attention. R Kelly has secrets against the entertainment industry. And he is about to say things no one expected him to say. The floodgates are opening. And I told you, my children, your enemies are turning on each other.

The truth of Taylor Swift is about to break wide open. She is not who people think she is. And a whistleblower is about to prove that for a fact.

Ballistic missiles will be in your news for a shocking reason. Listen to what they are saying, my children. Your enemies want a war so big it would destroy mankind. but they won't get it. I'm in the way and I'm here to stay, saith the Lord.

A Satanic temple will come down. A collapse has begun of that society. I will show you my children as a sign. No one is bigger than me. I Am tearing apart their control over society and over their influence. In your government and the seven mountains of influence, great destruction is coming to your enemies.

and everything they designed against you, saith the Lord of hosts.

A cooler will be in your news for an unusual reason. My children, I have warned you of false flag events. Many are about to take place. These are diversions and distractions to cause chaos and disruptions. But remember who I Am. I stand before you and I protect, I'm your protector and provider. No matter what they try to do, it won't stand before me or against me and succeed.

And I. Live in you

Kazinski. This name will be in your news for a shocking reason.

A major attack against this nation is about to take place. It will not be as big or destructive as your enemies wanted, but I Am warning because your enemies are desperately trying to destroy you and your free freedoms, I'll show you the Trojan horse and I'll protect you from it. Do not fear and do not give in and do not panic.

I will never leave you and I Am your way out of it all. So stand and get in my word and receive my peace and joy and my rest that I have for you. Remember the enemies are defeated and you are about to see them be cut off in unprecedented ways. So hold on, hold on to me. And my words, because I Am all you need, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.

Now, just like the other day, which is different, I'm not, you know, don't usually have all this, but he gave me several different words. After this prophetic word, as I continue to pray, this is what I heard adverse side effects, devil's advocate, the fall guy, arbitration, and then chem trails and great proof is coming to show what they have been putting in the skies above you.

So I heard these words, adverse side effects, devil's advocate, the fall guy, arbitration, and then about chem trails and great proof is coming to show what they have been putting in the skies above you. So, I'm going to, you know, we all need to pray into these words. Whenever we see him say these certain things, we know they're going to be in the news at some point, in some way, somehow, and he's saying these things, even as unusual as they are, he's saying this to get your attention, to show you that he's in control, to show you that he is speaking.

And he is getting your attention. And the reason for him getting your attention is that, so your minds and your hearts are focused on him and not the enemy and not what they are doing. They are trying to get your attention. They are trying to get your control over you. They are trying to destroy you in every way every way, shape, and form.

They, that's what they are trying to do. That's why they deceive distract and destroy. But God is saying, don't be deceived. Don't be distracted. So you can't be destroyed. And that's why our hearts will be always fixed on God. Why do you think he has to speak more? Why do you think he has to get our attention even more than he ever has before?

Because things are swiftly changing. He said, and that word he gave me yesterday, I only mentioned it to you. I have not given out the whole entire thing. I was at the very beginning of it. It was right before I got on yesterday's live stream where God says we are being plunged into a darkness. Now that is not for our destruction and that is not for us to fear.

But the greater darkness, the greater God's light will be seen and the more destruction it will do to darkness. Even when it looks like evil and darkness is winning, light and God's life will always destroy that darkness. Now I want to read some scriptures that the Lord gave me this morning. That was really super excited about.

Go to Psalm and we're going to go back to Psalm again, go to Psalm 43,

because every time where I have a prophetic word in a day and I ask them, what do you want me to share with them in the word? What scripture do you want me to give out today? And they always line up with this word. Why? Because they should. Now, let's go to Psalm 43 and verse 1. Psalm 43, verse 1. Judge and vindicate me, O God, plead and defend my cause against an unGodly nation.

O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust men. So again, David wrote these. And it shows you that what was on his heart is that because there were so many unjust men or there's so many nations that were coming out against him, trying to destroy him or trying to destroy God's people. And so he was pleading with God and saying, God, we say, judge and vindicate me.

Because he knows that God is the judge and he knows his vindication. He's seen it time and time again We have to take in in our lives Take these words and know that we know that we know that God is a God who judges because he says that in his word He is a judge over all the earth. He takes down one and lifts up another that's psalms 75 in verse 7.

So if God is a judge over all the earth, then a judge You would judge. I mean, that's just common sense. If he is the judge, then he would judge the earth. He's a judge over all the earth and judges judge. Many people think that God has his hands off of these things and that he doesn't care about any of this stuff.

Yes, he does. He cares about truth. He cares about life. He cares about justice and he cares. Why? Because God is a good God. And remember justice, And justice is part of God's throne. The foundation of his throne is justice. What is fairness? It's truth. He wants us to be vindicated. He wants justice to be served.

He doesn't want evil and corruption to go out of control. Like we see now, that's what the enemy wants. That's never what God wanted for us. Let's keep reading verse two, Psalm 43 in verse two, for you are the God of my strength, my stronghold in whom I take refuge. Why have you cast me off or why do I mourn because of oppression of the enemy?

So right here at the beginning of it of this scripture says for you the God of my strength Remember we need to know that God is our strength. So David right here. He was mourning. Why do you cast me off? He's thinking at this time because all these things are going against him. He's thinking why why are you letting this happen God?

What is going on? Why are these things happening against me says and why do why go I mourning because the oppression of the enemy? So he's saying why am I mourning because the oppression that the enemy is coming against me because you are for me and you're the One who vindicate me and you're the one who delivers me.

So why has it gotten this far? A lot of people wonder and they ask God, why are all these things going on? Well, sometimes we, and we, a lot of us do, you know, it's just human nature. We're asking God, why is this going on? Instead of thinking, you know what, God, it doesn't matter why these things are going on.

I thank you that you are my solution. I thank you that you are my everything. I thank you, father, God, that you are the key. You are the answer to my victory. I thank you that you do vindicate me. I thank you because you said a vindication is mine. I thank you that you serve justice. And I thank you father, God, that you will judge, you will solve and settle the cases and the causes against your people.

I thank you father, God, that you get me out of all of this mess. Instead of, again, magnifying the problem, we are supposed to magnify the one who Psalms the problems. Let's turn to well, let's keep reading Psalm 43. Nope. Hold on. Psalm. Let's go. Psalm 46. Psalm 46. And verse one, Psalm 46 and verse one, God is our refuge.

And here we go. David knew God is a strength. Because in different situations with David, God was his strength because if it wasn't for God's strength, he wouldn't have gotten out of any of those messes. God is our refuge. That means our protection. And he's our strength. Mighty and impenetrable to temptation.

A very present, well proved help in trouble. God proves that he helps us in trouble. Does it look like our country's in trouble? Yeah, does it look like we've been forsaken and everything's just going to go to, you know, the darkness and evil and corruption and they're going to win and our country is just going to be devastated and destroyed.

And is that what it looks like? Yeah. But what should we be saying? God is our refuge, strength, mighty, impenetrable, temptation, a very present, well proved help in trouble. He's a sure thing when we're in trouble. Verse two, Therefore we will not fear. What has God been saying to us over and over and over again?

We are not supposed to be afraid because if we are afraid now, listen, when I used to live in panic and anxiety and you know, it was horrible. It was bad. I was controlled by the spirit of fear for the longest time. I had anxiety and panic attacks even before I left my home. That's how bad it was. And when I found out being in fear is sin, I would devastated me because I didn't want that panic attack.

I didn't want to be in fear and anxiety. I didn't want it to control me. And I'm like, Lord, I don't know how to get rid of it when it is like just controlling me to the point where it's paralyzing me,

but realizing that we have power and authority and dominion over that fear. Even though it doesn't want to leave, when you say, I rebuke you in Jesus name, and you stop putting up with it, because it, it seemed to me like it was bigger, that it had control over me. And God was saying, no, it does not. It doesn't have control over you.

It's not supposed to panic, give you panic and, and, and it's not supposed to paralyze you. You have power. There's nothing to fear. If you know that I'm your strength, if you know that I'm your refuge, then there's nothing to fear, never fear. I'm here. That is what he's telling all of us. Never fear. I'm here.

Who's I Am the great I Am. So Psalm 46 verse two, therefore we will not fear. Listen to this, though the earth should change, though the mountains be shaken into the midst of the seas. Even the earth would change and the mountains be shaken. We're not supposed to fear, even when things change. God's been talking to us about change.

He's talking about the winds of change. He's been talking to us about shaking over and over and over again. He said the shaking is for the great awakening. And the great awakening is us receiving God's glory in greater measure. And the shaking has also destroyed the power of the wicked ones against us and how much power they've had and how much what they've done to Lord over us.

God is saying it's twofold. Shaking against the enemy to destroy their power to cut it off and a shaking to wake us up to receive God's glory. Amen. And to be fully convinced that God is the Most High God, that He is the one who's in control, to receive His power, to receive His love, to receive His mercy, receive His grace, to receive what He has for us.

Instead of just living our lives as some people just do kind of just, you know, in survival mode. They just live their life just to live how they want to live it. And they're not making and putting God in any part of their life. Oh, on Sundays when they go to church and that's it. He should be part of every part of our life.

All right. Verse seven, Psalm 46 and verse seven says, The Lord of hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge, our fortress and high tower. So again, he talks about a refuge. He's our refuge. That means he is the one who shields us or protects us. And even says fortress. If you think of a fortress and you think of a big, huge castle, you think of a big, huge wall, you think of something that's very strong and cannot be destroyed.

It's impenetrable. It's impenetrable. That's God's protection. He's our fortress. He's our refuge. So He's where we go to in times of trial, in the times of trouble, in the times of distress, in the times of chaos, and destruction, and disruption, and all these different things that the enemies are trying to do.

We go to God as our refuge. How do we go to God? In prayer. We go to God in his word. He's our refuge and he's our strength and we don't have any. Then it says in verse 9, jump down to verse 9, Psalm 46 in verse 9. He makes wars to cease to the end. He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth. He breaks the bow into pieces and snaps the spear in two.

He burns the chariots in fire, verse 10. Let be and be still and know and recognize and understand that I Am God. I'll be exalted among the nations I will be exalted in the earth Then it goes on to say in verse 11 The Lord of hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our refuge our high tower our strong hold Now I want to read this.

He showed this to me He showed me Psalm 47, Psalm 46. Let me, let me look to that one. Psalm 47, I can't wait because as soon as I read the Psalm 47, and then I'm going to get to Psalm 94, and he showed me it's in the CEV, and I've never read it, read it out of CEV ever. I got extremely excited this morning.

Let's read this out of the CEV, this Psalm 46 first. I didn't pull this one up. I didn't look at it under this translation yet. So let's see what it says. Psalm 46,

9 through 11. God brings wars to an end all over the world. He breaks the arrows and shatters the spears. and burns the shields, verse 10. Our God says, calm down and learn that I Am God. All nations on earth will honor me. Verse 11. The Lord, all powerful is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress. That is Psalms 46, 9 through 11.

What does it say? Calm down and learn. This is verse 10. Psalm 46 and verse 10. Our God says, Calm down and learn that I Am God over all. Sorry. I Am God. All nations on earth will honor me. That means all nations on the earth are going to know that God is Elyon, or the Most High God. They're going to know that God is El Shaddai.

So even though the enemies are putting all these impossible situations on our face, God is saying, they're going to know that I'm El Shaddai. The nations are going to know. And he even says right here, calm down. That means don't panic. It means don't get into fear. That means don't get anxious when you see certain things happen.

I love that. Calm down and learn. That I Am God. All right, let's keep reading psalm. 40 47 psalm 47 1 through 3 psalm 47 1 through 3. Oh clap your hands all you peoples shout to God with a voice of triumph and songs of joy What has the God been telling us to do? He's been telling us to shout. He's been telling us to worship him He's been telling us to celebrate why people say well, why would I celebrate before the victory?

No, we have the victory now, even though we can't see it That's a part of, it says in God's word, the just shall live by faith. It says at least four times in the word of God, the just shall live by faith. That means not going by what we see. It also says we're supposed to fight the good fight of faith. It says we're supposed to walk by faith and not by sight.

What is faith? Trusting in God and his ability and his words over our enemy's ability and our enemy's words and what they can do against us. We're supposed to have faith in God. We're supposed to believe in God more than we believe what the enemies can do. So Psalm 47 verse 1. Oh clap your hands all you people shout to God with the voice of triumph.

Verse 2. For the Lord most high excites terror awe and dread. He is a great king over all the earth. Again, David knew he was the ruler or king or judge over all the earth. Verse three, he subdued peoples under us and nations under our feet. So no matter what kind of unruly, rogue, tyrannical governments and their nations, Where are they at?

Under his feet. And Jesus says the head, we're the body. And where's our enemy supposed to be? Under our feet. Let's read Psalm 47, one through three out of the CEV translation. That is the contemporary English version. All right. All you nations clap your hands and shout joyful praises to God. Verse two, the Lord, most high is fearsome, the ruler over all the earth.

Verse three, God has put every nation under our power. I'm going to read that again. Two and three. The Lord most high is fearsome, the ruler over all the earth. Verse three, God has put every nation under our power. So people think that this is not scriptural. Yes, it is. I'm reading it to you out of the Bible.

Psalm 47. I read it to you out of the first out of the classic amplified edition and then the CEV which is a contemporary English version. Let's keep reading. Verse 8. Let's see. Verse 8. God rules the nations. From his sacred throne verse 9 the leaders come together and are now the people of Abraham's God all Rulers on earth surrender their weapons and God is greatly to be praised now in the classic amplified says God reigns over The nations so who controls the nations It's not the globalists.

It's not the governments. Who rules the nations? God. If God's people only knew that God is the one who rules in this world, well, then why is he letting things happen? For a wake up call. Because morality and a lot of the body of Christ and a lot of this world was going down a course of destruction without being aware of it.

So sometimes he has to allow certain things to happen. He doesn't want to, but he has to remember we're free moral agents. We can do things that God doesn't want us to do. He can't change our wills. He can't make us obey. But one thing we have to understand and know, and get this down in your heart, He is in control of the nations.

It's not who it looks like is in control of the nations. It's not who it looks like they're in control of our nation. It says right here, God reigns over the nations, God sits upon his holy throne. Verse 9, The princes and nobles of the peoples are gathered together and united people for the God of Abraham.

For the shields of the earth belong to God, he is highly exalted. So again, he is over all the earth. He's creator and creation cannot overthrow or be more powerful or be smarter than the creator. All right, let's keep reading. Let's go to Psalm 50, Psalm 50 in verse 15, Psalm 50 in verse 15, and call on me in the day of trouble.

I will deliver you and you shall honor and glorify me. Does that say that God might deliver us when we call upon him? No. It says call on me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you. God is a sure thing. We call upon him when we need deliverance, when we need being saved. He's our refuge. Remember he's our fortress.

He's our protection and he's also our deliverer. So when we call upon him, when we are in trouble, he says, I will deliver you. Now, for the sake of time, I'm not going to go over it, but I'm just going to quote it. If you read Psalm 34, verse 17 and 19, it's the same thing. God hears the cries of his people and delivers them out of it all.

There's many different scriptures in the Bible that talk about how God delivers. And he says, I will, there's never a time that he says, I might, or no, it's always, I will. Remember when Jesus was sitting there and the leper came up to him and says, I know master that you can heal me. I just don't know if you will.

And Jesus looked at him, put his hand on him. Now he's a leper. People miss how powerful that is. He put his hand on a leper. They had social distancing back then because with lepers, you couldn't be anywhere near them. But Jesus actually touched him, and he says, I will. And he healed him. So when we go to God, remember it says in his word, Ask, and it shall be given unto you.

If we ask God for deliverance, or we ask God for healing, we ask him, he's not going to say no. He says yes. He says, I will. Let's turn to a Psalm 94,

Psalm 94 and verse, let me look it up to see which one. Let's start with verse 15, Psalm 94 in verse 15 for justice will return to the uncompromising righteous in the upright and the heart will follow it. Justice. Remember, God's a God of justice. He talks a lot about justice in his word. It's important to him.

Jump down to verse 22,

but the Lord has become my high tower and defense. my God, the rock of my refuge. So again, talks about protection, talks about refuge. This is a verse 23 and he will turn back upon them their own iniquity and we'll wipe them out by the means of their own wickedness. The Lord God will wipe them out. Who's he talking about?

The wicked. Let's read this. Psalm 94 15 through 23 in the C. E. V. Translation justice and fairness will go hand in hand and all who do right will follow along who will stand up for me against the cruel people for 17 if you had not helped me Lord I would soon have gone to the land of silence that mean he would have been been killed verse 18 when I felt my feet slipping you came with your love and you kept me steady Verse 19.

And when I was burdened with worries, you comforted me and made me feel secure.

Verse 20. But you are oppressed to dishonest lawmakers who gang up to murder innocent victims. That means the lawmakers were trying to oppress or trying to stop God. They were trying to intervene or trying to stop what God was doing. He said, who gang up to murder innocent victims. Verse 22. You, Lord God, are my fortress.

That mighty rock where I Am safe. Verse 23, you will pay back my enemies and you will wipe them out for the evil they did. So David was saying that you helped me. It wasn't for your help. I would have died. He was saying the enemies were trying to do everything to cause destruction. They were killing innocent people.

But David was saying, you are my fortress. You are my refuge. You are my strength. You kept me safe. When the enemies were on the prowl, when the enemies were causing all this disruption and destruction, you saved me. You, O Lord, are my fortress, that mighty rock where I Am safe. God is where we are safe. In his word, in our prayer clauses with him, in our fellowship with him, we are safe.

Why? Because we know that truth and that truth sets us free. If you think he's like our shield, he's our protection. Remember when Satan was trying to accuse Job and trying to get Job to be destroyed? And he said, you put a hedge of protection around him. This is Job one. He said, God, you put a hedge of protection around him.

Take it down. God said, no, I'm not going to take it down. Satan couldn't take it down. The only person could take that shield down or that hedge of protection was Job. And that was with fear.

That's why we need to be convinced on a daily basis. That God is our refuge. Now I want to go back over this prophetic word. Well, I got to read one more scripture. Back 14 years ago, and when I started preaching at my dad's church as associate pastor back then. And people can contest this. People who, like, literally work for this ministry now can even back this up.

The Lord had given me words, and teachings, and revelations regarding Exodus, regarding what was happening in the world. It just boggles my mind how true that was before. I didn't know how, how massive. These revelations were back 14 years ago because I didn't know how it was gonna all play out because it wasn't that bad 14 years ago as it is today, but he talked about a greater Exodus.

He keeps pointing us back to Exodus He keeps pointing us back to Goshen even more than he did back then 14 years ago But one of the things that he was giving to me in prayer like a prophetic word He said what once was Will be again but to a greater degree and he was talking about the book of Exodus And how he freed his nation in one day.

And he said, that is going to happen again, but to a greater degree because I'm saving the nations. Well, I had no idea that was a scripture. I had no idea. I had never heard of it before, but again, God will always confirm with his word. And so just up to a couple of years ago, I found the scripture.

Ecclesiastes 1 in verse 9. Ecclesiastes 1 in verse 9. The thing that has been is what will be again. And when I saw I just started I was shocked and I was excited because i'm like Lord That is what you said 14 years ago without me knowing this was even in the word. The thing which has been, it is, it is what will be again.

And which has been done, is which will be done again. And there is nothing new. So the enemy is trying to overthrow God and trying to get him out of this earth, trying to destroy God's people's believing in God, trying to cause chaos and disruptions and, and all these things against God and what they're doing against morality.

There's nothing new under the sun. What they're doing against us right now, has happened before. But now it's just to a greater degree. And God is saying, what once was, will be again. And what is that? His deliverance. His saving us. Out of the hands of the Wiccan, God is, and he says, I will deliver you. Now this is the Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes 1.

9 out of the CEV, Ecclesiastes 1. 9 out of the CEV. Then I'll go back over the prophetic word. Everything that happens has happened before. There's nothing new, nothing under the sun. So when you see the enemies trying to overthrow God and trying to kick God out of the earth that he created or trying to destroy God's people, you go back and you've seen the word of word, the word of God, all the times that God destroyed the enemy's plans.

And that should excite you because knowing that it looked like the enemy was in control before and they really weren't. Now this prophetic word, God talked about how let's go back to it.

Okay. This is the first paragraph.

For I, the Lord this day, am telling my children, the countdown has begun. And then he tells you what the countdown is. He says it's for your enemies existence and their places of power and control upon the earth. So their countdown has begun. You can find them. That's scriptural. I'm going to read this out after I read this first paragraph.

The clock is ticking on their influence and their financial control. Their expiration date is almost up of all their news controlling the nations. My children soon it will be like they never existed. Thank you for your time.

You can read that, and next is chapter 14, 13 through 14. When Moses, when he was telling his people, fear not, the people you see today, you won't see again. And that's exactly what happened. But the scripture I was referencing is 2 Corinthians 4, 2 Corinthians 4 and verse 18. Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen.

For the things that are seen are visible. They're temporal, brief, and fleeting, but all the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting. So, what does that mean? The things which are seen have an expiration date. They won't last forever. They have a time to end, and that's what God is saying.

What we're seeing before us, it has a time to end, and it's going to end, because God's hand is going to end it. Now, let's go to the next paragraph.

To the supposed leaders, and he doesn't say they are leaders. And there's a reason for that, even though you may be in position of a leadership or power, you're not all powerful. They're not in control, and they're not actual leaders, especially if they weren't elected. They're fake. They're fraudulent. To the supposed leaders against my nations, the jig is up, you would say.

Proof is coming. Truth is coming. Explosions are coming. The traps were set. My children, your enemies are caught. All now he's, he's telling you who they are. Tyrants, traitors, thieves, murderers, liars, deceivers, and these so-called politicians. They have tried the Lord over you for so long. The evidence is pouring out worldwide and nothing will stop this avalanche of truth.

To destroy your enemy's power, to destroy their governments, to destroy their news, media, and any outlet they have control over. They are finished. Dominating and lording over the nations. Think about that. When you think of by the red sea, that's exactly what God was saying. These leaders. that are lording over you, which was with the leader, which was Pharaoh.

And then he had all of his men with him. They think they're going to keep lording over you and controlling you and enslaving you and keeping you in their bondage. He's saying they're finished. And that's what you saw with the end of that was the Red Sea. They were finished. They were destroyed. They were killed right in front of the Israelites to see that God is the one who was their fortress.

He was their high tower. He was their protector. He was their advocate. He was their deliverer. He proved to them. Let's keep reading. The shaking you are seeing in the entertainment industry has only just begun. Many will fall for their disgusting acts. They've committed against the children. What will take place in the rap industry will be shocking.

And what will take place in the music industry will be appalling to see what so many have done behind closed doors. So he's been talking about the seven mountains of influence. He's been talking about Hollywood, which I'm going to get into here in a minute. They have not gotten away with anything they're doing behind closed doors.

That's what he's telling you. Now, a lot of The whole, you know, thing with P. Diddy and, and whatever's going on really with him. And God's saying, this is just the beginning. They're going to be rocked to their core for what they, and they are letting him fall because there's bigger fish that they're trying to protect.

And that ain't going to happen. God is going to destroy the bigger fish as well. All right. Next paragraph. Hollywood will be torn apart. The crimes they committed are about to be released. It will all be destroyed by me and my right hand. Remember the power of God's mighty hand. Hollywood has a lot to answer for, for all the crimes against children, all the crimes against this nation and the world, and they influence, seduce, manipulated, brainwashed, and have destroyed their lives of so many.

A shaking is coming to Hollywood in more ways than one. Actors, directors, producers, everyone will be brought down for the crimes they've committed. No one has escaped judgment, justice is coming to this nation like a freight train. That no one can stop. So again, he's exposed and tear apart Hollywood.

Hollywood has been used to influence and to influence the world. They have, like he said, they have influenced, seduced, manipulated, brainwashed, and had destroyed the lives of so many, so many young kids that are now, some of them are adults. They're trying to destroy young kids. Now look what the filth that they're putting out.

You're trying to change the society as a whole. You think of how bad Sodom and Gomorrah was. It's the same spiritual crap in trying to control this earth now. Trying to seduce, trying to get people in that direction. Trying to get people to have, live immoral, horrible lives. It's nothing new under the sun.

They had a course correction. And so did many other things, and many other nations did. Look at Nineveh. Now with this coming eclipse, it's going to go through seven cities called Nineveh. Look at the story of Jonah. Jonah was a prophet. He didn't want to go to Nineveh. And that's why he got swallowed by the whale.

And then the whale spit him up. Or the big fish, which is whale. Spit him up, and he had to go to Nineveh. Because no matter how much he wanted to try to hide from that, he didn't want to go to Nineveh because he knew Nineveh was evil. Nineveh was very corrupt. Very horrible. They lived horrible lives. Jonah didn't want them saved.

at all. But he went there, he said what God wanted him to say, and the people heeded the warning from the prophet. They listened, they fasted, they repented, and God spared them, unlike Sodom and Gomorrah.

Do you think the first or the last eclipse went through towns of Salem, seven towns of Salem, which is, in Hebrew or Greek, is Jerusalem? Okay, and then you now have it going through all the towns of Nineveh. Now again, on Thursday I'll have a special guest and he's gonna go over all of these things that you guys are gonna have questions Hopefully they'll answer these questions about the Eclipse and why it's so important and why it's not this like a normal one Okay, it's different.

Now again Nineveh was saved from Destruction because they heeded the warning of the Prophet. They listened to what Jonah was saying and they were saved Now Jonah got mad. Excuse me. Jonah was extremely angry. Jonah didn't want them saved. Jonah wanted, he sat there on the outskirts of that city and he wanted judgment to rain down on him.

He wanted total destruction. His heart was wrong. We should always want people to come to God and repent, no matter how evil they are. All right, next paragraph. So God is saying at the end of that other paragraph, justice, justice is coming to this nation like a freight train that no one can stop. That's a powerful sentence.

Justice is coming to this nation like a freight train that no one can stop. No one's gonna stop what's coming. No matter how bad the enemies want it, they can't stop what's coming. Alright, let's keep reading. Klaus Schwab. Now, most of you who do not know him, he is one of the global elites. He is one who is part of the World Economic Forum, and he's always spouting out the mouth.

against God and against the world, against humanity. Klaus Schwab, judgment is coming and nothing you can, you have can prevent your fall and collapse of your plans. Soon your breath will be taken from you because you have taken it from so many. You are reaping what you have sown and soon it will be seen.

Soon your, will be your end say the Lord of Hosts. I'm gonna, I'm gonna read this again. Klaus Schwab, judgment is coming and nothing you have can prevent your fall and collapse of your plans. Soon your breath will be taken from you because you have taken it from so many. You are reaping what you have sown and soon it will be your end, saith the Lord of hosts.

People cannot mock God and getting away with it. People cannot do the destruction that they're causing and not have destruction in their own life. It's called seed time harvest. Good or bad. Then he goes on to talk about Microsoft. Explosive evidence and proof are coming to show the world the dark side of Microsoft.

What crimes they have been committing against humanity, what they have done against your privacy, and your lives. My children, I Am judging this company and wiping out their finances and their power over you. It doesn't matter how big they look. They are not bigger than me. So God is saying that most of us say, well, they're at, wasn't over a trillion dollar company or something outlandish and crazy.

It's horrible. It's huge. Whatever that number is. I don't even know. I don't care. They're like a giant. And, you know, corporate world, and a lot of people think that giants are too big to fall or too big to come down. Well, Goliath thought that same thing, and so did all the Philistines that were with him.

Until a 16 year old boy named David, or 15 year old, he was a teenager, to this freckled, redhead, freckled face, little kid, came up and said, I'm not afraid of you. My God is bigger than you and he will deliver you into my hands today. Paraphrasing. There is nothing in no one, no, no corporation. There's no government.

There is nothing that's bigger than God. So even what looks like these banks are too big to fail, these corporations are too big to fail. And God is saying, watch me, watch me work. And watch them come down. I don't know how he's going to do it. It's none of our business to know how he's going to do it. We just need to know, believe that he can, and he will.

Then he goes on to say, banks are about to collapse. Many corporations will fall to bankruptcy to a degree. No one ever thought possible. So banks and corporations, bankruptcy, to a scale no one's ever seen before. Now, then he goes on and talks about Wall Street. Wall Street will shake and crash, never to get up again.

I Am destroying that Ponzi scheme against you. Now he's called it a Ponzi scheme many times, because it is. That enslaved you in that Godless, evil, and demonic system. That's what he's calling Wall Street. Some made money. Yes, I mean some of his, even his children made money. He said, but this system was never meant for you.

It was for your enemies and their continual lording over you. It's all about to crash like never before. Do not fear my children because every resource Taken from your enemies will be given back to you say the lord of hosts So again, he's talked about an economic downturn. Remember what he said that everything that can be shaken will be shaken He talked about And he even specifically said the united states of america.

He said it's going to shake politically It's going to shake economically. It's going to shake civilly and it's going to shake naturally and economically What's the one thing that controls the economy in this country wall street? so If you have money in the stock market, you pray to God and ask him what you want, what he wants to do.

I'm not a stock market person. I don't know. I can't tell you what to invest and what not to invest. I don't know. I'm not a part of that. I just know that God will reveal it to you because there are things that will be safe. There are investments. That won't be touched. So get to God because he's the one who revealed to you where you should put your money.

Don't anybody else. You look to God and God will reveal it to you. And definitely don't look to these people on wall street and tell you where to put your money. All right, now something major is about to happen in Kazakhstan that will get the world attention. Now, this is not the first time he's mentioned that country.

So pay attention to Kazakhstan or Kazakhstan. All right now, then he goes back to talks about the entertainment industry again. R. Kelly has secrets against the entertainment industry and he's about to say things no one expected him to say. The floodgates are opening and I told you my children you're enemies.

Are turning on each other. So they are turning on each other and we're gonna continue to see that. Then he goes on to talk about Taylor Swift. The tr the truth of Taylor Swift is about to break wide open. She is not who people think she is, and a whistleblower is about to prove that for a fact. Then he goes on to say, ballistic missiles will be in your news for a shocking reason.

Listen to what they're saying. My children, your enemies want a war so big, it would destroy mankind. They want a nuclear war. That's what they're, that's what they've been threatening. But they won't get it. I Am in the way, and I Am here to stay, sayeth the Lord. They're not gonna get a nuclear war they want.

And then the next paragraph, a satanic temple will come down, a collapse has begun of that society. I will show you my children as a sign. No one is bigger than me, saith the Lord. I Am tearing apart their control over society, their influence, their government. And the seven mountains of influence, great destruction is coming to your enemies and everything they have designed against you.

So watch a satanic temple collapse or come down. Now I thought this was really odd when I heard it and I literally had to ask him, is this really what you want me to say? A cooler, like a cooler, I don't know if it's like what you put drinks in, but he said a cooler will be in your news for an unusual reason.

I would say if a cooler is in the news it would be for an unusual reason, that's for sure. But I had to double check. That's the right word that he wanted me to say. And that's what it is. So a cooler. And then the next paragraph, my children, I have warned you of false flag events. Many are about to take place.

These are diversions and distractions that cause chaos and disruptions But remember who I Am and I stand before you and I Am your protector and provider No matter what they try to do it It won't stand before me or against me and succeed and I live in you so he's reminding us Who lives in us because he's reminding us of first john 4 4 the greater one lives on the inside of us He that's in the world Do not fear the false flag events.

Next one is Kaczynski. This name will be in your news for a shocking reason. A major attack against this nation is about to take place. Well, that's not good to hear. Abby put that in bold and he wanted you to know. A major attack against this nation is about to take place. It will not be as big or destructive as your enemies wanted.

But I Am warning because your enemies are desperately trying to destroy you and your freedoms. Then he says, I will show you the Trojan horse. I mentioned the Trojan horse last week, and the reason why I mentioned that is because two days in a row, in two different prophecies, the one from March 28th and from 29th, he speaks about a Trojan horse.

That's why I brought it up last week because I thought it was interesting that he said it in two different ones back to back. I will show you the Trojan horse and I will protect you from it. Do not fear and do not give in and do not panic. I will never leave you and I Am your way out of it all. So stand and get in my word, receive my peace, joy, and my rest that I have for you.

Remember, the enemies are defeated, and you are about to see them be cut off in unprecedented ways. Hold on, and hold on to me with my words, because I Am all you need, says the Lord, your Redeemer. Now again, This is something the enemy also put in bold. You are about to see the enemies cut off in unprecedented ways.

So many different scriptures that I've read to many different times about God, how he cuts off the enemy, but this time he's saying, I'm going to cut them off, but it's gonna be unprecedented. So it's going to be in ways we never thought possible in ways we've never seen God do before. He also mentioned over and over about how he's going to bring back, like President Trump, how he's going to bring freedoms back.

And it's not going to be an election that's going to save us. It's going to be how he's going to do it, and it's going to be in unconventional ways. Just like he saved the children of Israel with the Red Sea, that was unconventional. They have never seen water part before. That was unconventional to them.

They couldn't have dreamed it up. It's like, we can't dream it up. But God will do things in unconventional ways then right after this prophetic word I kept in prayer And these are other words that I know will be in the news and the lord wanted me To speak these words and give these out adverse side effects So you're going to hear about things in the news about adverse side effects I'm assuming to me that comes to me about medication now I don't know what could be wrong But that's something that comes up to me is medication when it comes to the adverse side effects

And then the next one was Devil's Advocate. The next one was the fall guy, not, you know, one, it's one, the fall guy. So we're going to see the fall guy and we're going to find out that that's who he really is. And then arbitration. I heard that word. And then chemtrails. Great proof is coming to show what they have done and putting in the skies above you.

Now, God's been talking to us about what they've been warning about, about what's in the sky, what's been in our water, what's been in our food, what's in our medication, what they're trying to do. But anything that he's warning us about he's not telling us that to freak us out. He's telling us that to pray He's telling us that to stand and use the word of God as a weapon He's telling us to use his word as a weapon Remember God says in his word in isaiah 54 17 no weapon formed against you shall prosper So you have all these different weapons that are formed against you He's showing you all these weapons that are formed against you.

He's not telling you to panic. He's telling you to use You The weapon, which is the word of God. It's the sword of the spirit. He's telling you, start praying over your foods. Start praying over the air. Start praying over whatever. Not into fear. Start praying. No matter what they're doing against me, Lord, I thank you that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

So I'm gonna go out today, and no matter what's in the sky, no matter what's in the air, I thank you it will not affect me in Jesus name. That's how we're supposed to act. Now, I want to pray for each and every one of you, okay? And also before I go today, before I forget to tell you, I will be on another live show at 10 o'clock, at 10 o'clock Central Time with Alphabets on their channel.

So if the moderators can put Alphabets in the chat or in the description box or in the comment section, I will be on at 10 o'clock with Alphabets. Okay? So if you guys can join us with that because again, God is exposing all these things. I know there's gonna be a lot of confirmations. I just know it's gonna be an exciting show and I hope you guys can join us because really truth is setting people free and it's really important to hear that truth.

All right. And they're great. They're great guys. I love Christopher and Israel. They are, they're amazing men of God and they are true patriots. They're true veterans and we love them and appreciate them. All right, now let's pray because each and every one of us have to understand that God is in control and this is anything that he's warnings about is never to put us in any type of fear.

It's not. So right now, Father God, I just want to praise and thank you for all the warnings that you've given to us. I thank you for all the heads up, Father God. I thank you for all the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, everything that you're doing to show us what the enemies are doing and what we are to do about it.

Because we are in the army of the Lord. I thank you that you are showing your children. They don't have to put up with these things They have the name of jesus that they have your word They have your power and authority dominion over all the power of the enemy I thank and praise you father God that right now that there is a greater awakening in the body of christ That there is your glory being revealed that your glory is being shown that your glory is being felt And it is destroying the power of the wicked and anything they try to do and father God No matter what the enemies Plans plots and schemes are for the rest of this year.

It doesn't matter because we are in this world, but we are not of it. We are not subject to it. Just like Jesus said, he wasn't subject. Just like we are not subject to it. We are not subject to what they are doing. It says that in John 17, verse 13 through 17, and we thank you father God. It says in your word in John 16, verse 33.

In the world, we'll have trials and tribulations and distress and frustration, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. I deprived of its ability to harm you and I've conquered it for you. So father God, you have conquered this. You have destroyed the power of the enemy. You are cutting them off in unprecedented ways.

So we are praising and thanking you father God, that their plans are being destroyed now that you are cutting them off, that you are doing things in unconventional ways, unprecedented ways, unusual ways. And we thank you father God, that our hearts. Are steadfast and are fixed on you. We thank you that fear cannot control our minds, cannot control our bodies, cannot control our society, cannot control our, our families, cannot control us in any way, shape, or form.

Cause fear is a liar. And we thank you father God, that you are our fortress. You are our refuge. And we thank you, Father God, that you are our protection and you promise to deliver us out of it all. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. A man and a man. And don't forget, registration is open for the Holy Ghost and fire event we will be having in Des Moines, Iowa.

So register today. And you can go to jgminternational. org under our events page. We will be joined with Timothy Dixon, Manuel Johnson Nathan French, Jeremy, the kindred souls, and so many others. I'm Charlie Jordan. I'm so excited for this event. It's going to be June 7th, 8th and 9th. So I hope you can join all of us.

In Des Moines, Iowa, so go register. The registration is now available Okay, and also I will be on pastor dave tomorrow So hope you guys can join that and take five And if you want any merchandise if you are international you want any jimmy green ministries merchandise You can go to threesunstreads.

com. That's threesunstreads. com And international is not available. And if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGM international. org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green ministries international. 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807.

All right, well, I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. And don't miss today's show with Alphabets and myself.

And that's at 10 o'clock Central Time. God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day!


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