Copy Paste Failure – Undesirable Complex Subgrid Merge | Elevator | Space Engineers

9 months ago

One simple trick to keep grids separated?! When things can go wrong they will! While appeasing Klang, Murphy came by and “fixed” some blocks together. This was not wanted.
My elevators malfunctioned after copy/paste operations. Some blocks had more attachment points than I was aware of and merged together after pasting in to the world. Suring up the connections and separating the subgrids resolved the issue.

I am building an unnecessarily large and complex vehicle assembly building for future small grid time lapsed build videos. There are sure to be a few lessons learned and shared in the creation of this set piece.

Space Engineers is a sandbox game about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Players build space ships, space stations, planetary outposts of various sizes and uses, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets and gather resources to survive.

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