WHO Director Tells Us To Abandon Meat To Fight 'Climate Change'

7 months ago

Are you tired of living a normal happy life where you can eat what you want and not spend every waking hour trembling in fear over the imminent climate change apocalypse? Well, you're in luck. The World Health Organization (WHO) -- fresh off a completely botched COVID pandemic investigation and response -- is here to order you to abandon those things you love so much. Like steak, eggs, chicken, bacon, burgers, hot dogs, and even fish. According to the WHO's Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, eating such foods, as humans have done for millennia, is now killing the planet and we all must stop.

• More at: Twitchy - WHO Director Tells Us to Abandon Meat to Fight 'Climate Change' (Guess How That Went on Twitter)

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