Joseph L Trahan addresses Texas GOP SD 15 Caucus

4 months ago

Private Property ownership did not exist until the United States was founded and gave land grants to private citizens and soldiers.

The "quiet enjoyment of your property" is "un-infringed" property ownership.

Tax, by the very concept of "the un-infringed quiet right of enjoyment of your property" is an affront, an abomination, an insult, a cheapening, a devaluing, a shake down, a hold up in broad get the point. It robs you of the very notion of being an US citizen.

Being held hostage by your governmental bodies is a bully tactic whereby YOU now work for your government at its pleasure.

The Constitution's founders wrote that amazing document such that it limited the power of ALL government to the extent that government worked at the pleasure of the citizenry.

Do you see how the career politicians and corporatocracy have FLIPPED the game on you, me...on us all?

Corporatocracy (/ˌkɔːrpərəˈtɒkrəsi/, from corporate and Greek: -κρατία, romanized: -kratía, lit. 'domination by'; short form corpocracy) is an economic, political and judicial system controlled by business corporations or corporate and special interests.

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