Stew Peters Meets Fresh&Fit

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0:00 : Preview
19:00 : Intro
20:00 : Show begins! - Quick Announcements
21:00 : Is Stew Peters a Pro-H!tler N@zi ?
22:00 : They’re teaching kids how to suck c**k
26:00 : Stew wants to burn Pedoph!ilia books to the ground
31:00 : BLM rioters should have been sh0t
36:00 : George Floyd died from Fent@nyl overdose
38:00 : Ukraine is a fake country
44:00 : Extreme Accountability Trailer
46:00 : X is NOT free speech
47:00 : Elon Musk wants to control your brain
48:00 : Is Stew funded by Jewish gold company Goldco?
53:00 : Lauren Witzke is pregnant with a gay baby
58:00 : Is Stew is a controlled OPP?
1:00:00 : Interview with Alex Jones & how Jews influence our country
1:02:00 : “Muslims are going to hell”
1:03:00 : Who was behind the 9/11 attack?
1:05:00 : Stew EXPOSES the US Military & how they’re controlled by Jews
1:09:00 : Was the election rigged & why haven’t we done anything about it?
1:12:00 : We need to stop kissing that wall
1:15:00 : IS Donald Trump the answer?
1:16:00 : Stew goes after AIPAC & Jews puppets
1:19:00 : What can we do about it?
1:29:00 : Top 10 individuals who have contributed to the degradation of the United States
1:31:00 : People are starting to wake up
1:33:00 : These people should be executed on national stage
1:34:30 : Fresh disagrees with Stew
1:38:00 : What if Feds came to your door asking for your gun?
1:41:00 : Women are becoming masculine
1:43:00 : Do we have the power to overthrow the US Government?
1:48:00 : Stew talks about his documentary, vacc!nes & bio weapons
1:51:00 : 💉Damar Hamlin controversy & how 1000+ athletes collapsed in a single year 💉
1:53:00 : Why don’t we have pictures from outer space??
1:55:00 : Every vaccinated person has these in their body
1:57:00 : Why is no-one pushing the jab now??
1:59:00 : CLOWN WORLD🤡 - Look at this sh!t
2:00:00 : Bro wants to kill everyone 💀
2:04:00 : This documentary is so based that even Rumble won’t won’t allow it
2:08:00 : Shoutout to KingBau / Stew will start a new podcast
2:10:00 : Stew invites F&F to Antarctica / Tupac was GAY
2:12:00 : Busta Rhymes is GAY
2:13:00 : Stew exposes homosexuality in the music industry
2:19:00 : Where can you find Stew? / Final thoughts
2:23:00 : Outro! (LIKE THE VIDEO👍)

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