Jeremy Corbyn CONFIRMS at last that he IS standing as an Independent!

4 months ago

Right, so finally the absolute boy that is Jeremy Corbyn has put not just Islington North, but the entire nation out of it’s misery at last by officially announcing that he is going to stand as an independent candidate to defend his seat.
Corbyn has been the MP for Islington North since 1983, he’s not the retirement type, he’s consistently delivered locally as an excellent constituency MP and enjoys a level of popularity there as a politician, that seems a completely alien concept to most of us, who have MPs who are utterly self serving and useless. Little wonder therefore that he has consistently enjoyed massive majorities won for the Labour Party, a party that no longer wants him on purely factional terms, and equally no longer wants anyone like him either, choosing to impose their candidate for Islington North upon the local Labour Party, yet still expecting those members to campaign for a candidate, they neither know or want necessarily. Therefore it should come as little surprise that a Corbyn win is predicted, another seat Starmer is throwing away therefore, for no other reason than a personal vendetta against he left, the very people he pretended to be like, to get where he is today, for the sake of the Red Tories retaining control of the party. Is that really more important to them than winning power, because the treatment of Corbyn, would certainly imply that.
Right, so it is official as of this morning, Jeremy Corbyn has released a video announcing his intention to stand as an Independent candidate for Islington North, having up until this point remained a Labour Party member, just arbitrarily excluded from the parliamentary party, forbidden from sitting as a Labour MP. It was churlish, childish nonsense and all on Keir Starmer because Corbyn was cleared of any wrongdoing by the Labour National Executive Committee for his comments relating to the findings of the EHRC investigation into Labour over antisemitism allegations, and was cleared, because they were always nonsense, always a scam and if the right wing panel had found otherwise, given the EHRC defended Corbyn’s right to be critical of it, it would likely I imagine have landed the party in court. None of this was good enough for Starmer, the man he once referred to as his friend – dishonestly of course - almost immediately had the whip withdrawn again by Starmer, in an abuse of his executive powers and so it has remained the case ever since.
Still remaining a Labour member however, he could choose to put himself forward to stand as the Labour candidate once more, something else Starmer took action to avoid, by bringing a motion to the Labour Party NEC and seconded by Birmingham Ladywood Labour MP Shabana Mahmood, also somewhat perversely given what she did, the Shadow Secretary of State for Justice, to single out Corbyn as the only Labour member in the country, barred from standing as an MP. They were literally making this up as they went along and given this passed, Corbyn could not stand as an MP, but more importantly to him I’ve no doubt, but also to the local party, they were barred from picking him and they frankly didn’t want anyone else. That says a lot about the man, but also an awful lot about Starmer, his petulance and his control freakery, along with those around him.
So it has been a bit of a will he or won’t he go Independent story for quite a while now. Until now of course, because by announcing his intention to stand as an independent, Jeremy will have now ended his decades long tenure as a Labour Party member, a membership he has held since he was 16 years old. The comic passing itself off as a newspaper called the Daily Express is gleefully saying Corbyn has already been expelled for his announcement, if true, Labour acted within the hour to do so, couldn’t move fast enough, but I’d still wait for that to be confirmed elsewhere before I believed it, which hasn’t happened at time of writing, however given his treatment, I could well believe Corbyn didn’t bother to resign before declaring, what difference does it make to him?
To Starmer and his supporters though, this might seem like a day to celebrate being finally rid of him when Starmer never had the guts to expel him fully, but it will now become one of the focal points of the election. If Starmer loses it to Corbyn, it is going to be a massive embarrassment to Labour and will no doubt overshadow any victories he gets, especially if it’s a picture we see replicated elsewhere, for example Labour’s loss in Rochdale to George Galloway in a by-election when all his focus was able to be turned on that one seat, yet now, he won’t be able to do that and that will make more seats more vulnerable as more people are turned off by Starmer’s Torylitism, his binning of everything he stood for, and the litany of lies to his name that will now be exposed and put to him in no uncertain terms. Rishi Sunak isn’t asking for weekly TV debates with him without reason, there is so much ammunition to throw at Starmer, already a poor public performer that he’s going to struggle, not that Sunak won’t get the same back in turn.
Of course the difference this time for Corbyn is that he won’t have that party support behind him anymore and the huge majority he has built up for Labour means on paper Islington North is one of the safest Labour seats in the country. How much of that is down to him the man and how much on brand recognition will be the test, but having been the MP for 40 years there, he’s a familiar face, he has relationships across the constituency with multiple organisations, you are hard pressed – and goodness knows the media have tried looking – to find people with a bad word to say about him and that is borne out by the expected response from local Labour members. They are incensed that they’ve been stopped from choosing their own candidate, in fact all remaining Labour vacancies are going to be imposed candidates now by the Labour National Executive and many will choose to campaign for Corbyn regardless, facing expulsion if they don’t resign over the matter first, yet the expectation is many members will do just that and those numbers will swell as people from across the country, will descend on Islington North to campaign for Corbyn.
Despite having been caught somewhat on the hop like everyone else was when Sunak suddenly called the election, lots to do in a small amount of time, it hasn’t stopped polling predictions for the seat being called in Corbyn’s favour. Stats For Lefties – which might sound like an on the nose biased outlet on the face of it, but which is actually run by a Green like me has in their modelling predicted a win for Corbyn taking 40% of the vote, with Labour coming up short on 34%, it is very much a two horse race, Starmer vs Corbyn in effect and this is why this loss, if Labour do indeed lose it, will be a stark reflection on Starmer, who even if he does as is far and away the most likely scenario now, become the next Prime Minister, he will have no honeymoon period, and already widely disliked as he is, Labour, when people who don’t get it now, finally realise what we are all saying, that Starmer’s Labour are a bunch of Tories who will do nothing to make your lives better after 14 years of Tory misrule, will plummet in popularity fast, especially if more notice gets taken of what other, smaller parties are saying, the Greens for example, but Independents like Corbyn should he get elected too, offering alternatives to more of the same misery, which both main parties will then be seen as offering no alternative to.
Also working in Corbyn’s favour is as I mentioned before, the imposition of a candidate by Labour upon Islington North, though they have boxed clever insofar as their chosen candidate, along surmised Starmer favourite, so very much aren’t Corbyn by any stretch and for as much as they haven’t parachuted in someone from elsewhere, the chosen candidate is nonetheless carrying some baggage into this, which will be rapidly exposed in the eyes of voters.
Labour’s choice is a guy called Praful Nargund, who I’ve discussed in previous videos, who is the millionaire head of a chain of private health clinics, specialising in IVF treatment as well as a local Islington Councillor and with Starmer set on continuing the privatisation of the NHS, the optics of this choice, which may given the nature of his business have had IVF treatment outsourced to it potentially by the NHS, and people will certainly want to know if he is standing not for the HS, but more privatisation of it and indeed whether he’s been a beneficiary of that. That would be an absolute gift to the Corbyn campaign, I’m not convinced Nargund has got what it takes to take on Corbyn whatsoever. Nargund frankly must have some ego, or they’ve got some brass neck to stand against Corbyn and they deserve the drubbing I sincerely hope they will get in the end.
Corbyn is standing again to continue to fight for all the social justice issues that drew so many of us to him when he took over the Labour Party. He’s always been the genuine article and seeing how quickly Starmer betrayed everyone who backed him on false pretences when he ran to be Corbyn’s successor and how swiftly they have destroyed what Corbyn tried to return Labour to, a party for the many and not the few, shows how much that party is distancing itself from the change this country needs. As much as it must be a wrench for Jeremy to have finally cut himself loose from Labour, he did it because that’s how far gone Labour is now, that a guy like him, well respected, experienced, with a desire to change things and not be part of the establishment order, who stands with us and not with them, can no longer be tolerated in that party. Never before has Labour been a bigger obstacle to change than it is today under Starmer and Jeremy Corbyn, however he does in this election, will be a campaign long symbol of Labour’s fall into a gang of establishment yes men for vested interests and should he retain his seat as I’m sure he will, with the support he will have, even if Starmer becomes PM, Corbyn will stand there as a symbol of what Labour once was and what this country still needs, a party of the ordinary working class and that Labour is absolutely no longer it.
People in this election defending their seats, defending their parties will be judged on their records. Keir Starmer certainly will be.Already his litany of lies over the last four years, his deceit and dishonesty is rapidly going to become the Tory attack lines, and the worst of it all is that they’ll be right about what they say about him too. With Corbyn they had to attack and smear the man, because they couldn’t challenge the policies. Starmer’s policies change with the wind, a Tony Benn weathervane and not a signpost. In Islington North it will be Labour weathervane vs Corbyn signpost, but check out the track record of lies that weathervane whoever it is will have to defend and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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