One GOD or 3000? A Reply to Richard Dawkins Engineer Muhammad Ali [Islamic Theology]

9 months ago

English Subtitles #Atheism #RichardDawkins #EngineerMuhammadAliMirza
A reply to allegations made by Professor Richard Dawkins, who claims that there are over 3000 gods in the world."Join Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza as he responds to Professor Richard Dawkins' claim that there are over 3000 gods in the world. Dawkins, a renowned atheist and evolutionary biologist, has often criticized religion and the concept of God. In this video, Engineer Mirza, a knowledgeable and articulate speaker, presents a thoughtful and evidence-based rebuttal to Dawkins' argument. With a focus on logical reasoning and Islamic theology, Mirza delves into the nature of God, the concept of Tawhid (the oneness of God), and the flaws in Dawkins' reasoning. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in theism, atheism, and the ongoing debate between faith and reason."

A reply by Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza

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