Michele Tittler @Fusion Festival Surrey B.C., Canada July 2014

8 months ago


Canada has too many races for ONE RACE to have special laws.

Fusion Festival July 2014, Michele Tittler talking to the many cultures represented.

This summer 2014 included going to 'The Fusion Festival' in Surrey, B.C., video taping as many booths from the dozens of ethnic groups represented there as I could before having to leave to video tape boxing with my good friend Gordy Racette, who was manning the Metis booth at the festival along with a few other elders, him being a Metis elder himself.

(read about Gordy Racette’s boxing career at)

It was so much fun to chat with all the people at this festival, and they were all eager to say hi and tell their story, so glad to be here in Canada.

We are so many people from so many races and cultures, languages, foods, histories and hardships, but the one thing we share in common is CANADA!

We are all freedom loving dreamers who weren't afraid to play, go to school, work and build together, and it's incredible when you think about how many people make this work.

My video is filled with clips of people from all around the world, and I didn't have time to get to all the booths before I had to go.

The natives seem to think that Canada is this "white" "colonialist""oppressor", making it apparent they really and truly have no idea who we are, where we come from, what our stories are, and what our history is. They hate this phantom white guy no one knows.

For many of us our ancestors are buried here and this is the only home we know. During the last 500 years of peoples from around the world helping build this great nation, everyone seemed able to function and prosper under this so-called "colonial rule", whatever that means. It's really yet another racist slur. The natives have a lot of them, and we are supposed to accept them.

I don't.

My skin colour has never occurred to me in my life until "Idle No More" broke out in the winter of 2012, and the natives called everyone "KKK" "White Supremacists". The crazy stuff they have done to people to emphasize their "white"ness, is due entirely to the fact that THEY, being the aboriginals, see themselves as their race, and so they think everyone else does too.

It's so apparent that their own dialogue, attitudes and clinging to past grievances, is what keeps them from enjoying what everyone else from every other race, creed, colour, culture, and traditions can make work.

Everyone in Canada should make a trip out to Vancouver B.C. to see who we are, and who we will continue to be here. Far from "white".

ONE RACE claiming all the land when ALL these people worked so hard to pay their mortgages, raise families, build businesses, PAY TAXES, live by the law of the land, and get along with others, is not just racist, it's a kind of bullying only the most irreverent could pull off. This dialogue of all of BC belonging to only ONE RACE, is absolutely appalling. Do they have no regard for the good people who built all of this? It's so wrong of them to use their race to bully anyone, or anything, and yet it's so out of hand now they are telling everyone they own it all and no one can do a thing without their approval.

It's RACISM…..it’s bullying.
It's all gone too far.

There are too many races in Canada for ONE RACE to have special laws, rights, and considerations.

EVERYONE HAS A STORY....every child has to eat.
It's time the natives cared about other people now, and stopped abusing innocent tax payers with these race based agendas, and the good folks who built this country and paid their bills.

Post on END RACE BASED LAW website blog:


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