Cat Walks Inside An Open Washer Like A Hamster Wheel

6 years ago

We all know how much hamsters love to spin their wheels. But did you know that some cats love it too? Well, according to this video they do! And there is good logic in that fact. Both cats and hamsters are natural born runners! The first one runs to hunt, and the other to escape the hunter! But a cat in this video runs just for fun! And she is so cute and funny, that you really have to check it out! This video shows an adorable kitty cat who finds her way into a washer and walks around inside it as it was a hamster wheel! LOL! Just look how cute and funny this lovely cat is! She is totally preoccupied with her new toy that she doesn’t care what is going on around her! I bet she could go on like this all day long, just like a real hamster-cat! LOL!

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