The Dark Truth About Human Impact_ Depopulation, Eugenics, and Transhumanism

8 months ago

-taken from @theACTJ episode 325

"Civilization Needs a Myth to Live"
- The club of Rome
To Understand the WEF and klaus Schwaubs impact... We Must start with the Club of Rome and its 1972 Report: The Limits of Growth wherein they Predict that society would begin to collapse by 2030 due to Resource scarcity and Population Growth. The Following year, The author of that infamous report gave a speech at the inaugural WEF meeting, Where he put into motion the inspiration and purpose for the WEF moving forward... as the Blueprint to change the world following their predicted collapse.

To Achieve this they need Psychological Warfare. Their Chosen Issues to usher in the need of a one world government was stated as Pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, and famine. This would fit the bill as all of these dangers are caused by human intervention; making The Real Enemy Humanity Itself.

So they began infiltrating the public education and discourse. Depopulation. Eugenics. Transhumanism. The main pillars of their Goals exposed. And through this, The elitist have turned Pollution into Carbon Markets & Social Credit Scores to burden the Human while not solving the pollution.

Klause Schwab is an eugenicist. Driven by the belief in the superiority in himself and his fellow elitist. But this is not about One Man or One Family But an Ideology. not a trivial point. One man can be stopped, but even as Klaus Schwab steps down, we could even arrest him, The Agenda has taken a foothold in the minds of many. It has been put into motion and would continue uninterrupted.

They Have an infrastructure of Researchers, labs, Corporations, Government Agencies, NGO's, and Public health bodies that exist Today as Institutions. Even if they are funded by Bill Gates and other WEF members, The agenda is now driven by a belief of all the millions of Real people that work for these various entities that they are truly working for the Best interest of the people. So NO. Stopping one person will not stop the agenda. To Stop it we must end the ideology and that comes from all of us learning these truths about the club of rome and the agenda of a great reset. And exposing this agenda of a world of total pervasive control.

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