Reptilians and Their Impact on Humanity | FACTS AND MYTHS

5 months ago

Greetings, and the viewers of my channel! This is the logo of the Italian car brand Alfa Romeo. It shows a rather strange picture: a snake devouring a man. Is this a direct reference to the dominance of creatures with reptilian pupils in human form on Earth? What are their plans and who are they really? That's exactly what today's video is about.

So, throughout human history, snake creatures of this type have been found in cultures of different peoples. Some are sure that this is a representation of the very reptilians that the ancients saw. Another group of researchers believes that this is a tribute to Satan, who is called the ancient serpent in the Bible.

The logo depicts a circle divided into two parts: on one side a cross, on the other a snake. The Red Cross is the coat of arms of Milan, where Alfa Romeo was founded. This is the coat of arms of the famous Visconti family in Milan, who ruled in the Middle Ages. Why did they choose such a strange image as a coat of arms? According to legend, this symbol was chosen by Otto Visconti, one of this family, who ruled Milan, as his coat of arms. According to legend, in the crusade in 1187, Otto met with the Saracen prince and defeated him. After the victory, he took the shield for himself as a trophy and made it his coat of arms. However, this legend is doubtful, since Otto himself was born in 1207, 20 years after the declared battle. And anyway, this man was not known as a warrior, but as an archbishop. Therefore, it is illogical that the archbishop would choose such a coat of arms. Although what is surprising if in the modern world the Pope is essentially broadcasting from the mouth of a snake, unequivocally hinting to humanity who is the boss in the world.

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