Evil Joe must GO!

5 months ago

Tom Huges on You can't make this up! #42 ... The Day or two before the Iranian President helicopter crash, Joe Biden ... EVIL JOE ... was on the telephone talking to Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi about the removal, no doubt by covert agents, of Jewish Prime Minister Netanyahu...

It's Ironic that Raisi was in a US Helicopter, no doubt one left behind by Evil Joe in Afghanistan ... Seems GOD dealt with Raisi just as promised in Genesis 12:3
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed

Evil Joe needs to be dealt with by GOD in the same manner... he has turned America's back on Israel, and that puts a curse on America... As you sew so shall you reap both in this life and the next. The problem is that Evil Joe and the Globalist Liberal Socialist don't believe that there is a Next ... so they live the life of rape, pillage, and plunder today for self gain.

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