Would I Sell My Amazon Guy? Real Business Talk

9 months ago

Discover the journey of building and growing "My Amazon Guy" with founder Steven Pope. In this video, Steven shares insights on leadership, company culture, personal transformation, and the challenges of running an Amazon agency. Learn about his experiences, from considering selling the business to making a profound impact on his team. Stay tuned to find out how you can access valuable SOPs for Amazon brands and agencies.

#AmazonSellerTips #EcommerceGrowth #LeadershipInsights

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00:00 - Intro
01:12 - Building the Company and Personal Transformation
02:20 - Impact on Employees and Company Culture
04:01 - Will I Ever Sell My Amazon Guy?
04:51 - Balancing Selling and Passion for Growth
06:05 - Challenges of Running an Agency
07:27 - Availability of SOPs for Brands and Agencies

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