Metro Ruins test using Banshee-Striker Shield / #Gamplay of the #Division2 #TomClancy #wz

9 months ago

This was pretty sloppy gameplay because I was going out of my way to use the Banshee-Striker combo, but at least my character survived. In most combat situations, a longer range weapon will kill enemies faster, which is always a challenge that these short-range builds need to overcome.

It's hard to tell in this video whether shotgun or smg is better with Striker Shield. I'm leaning towards SMG even though shotgun "feels" like it can kill single targets faster. They're both good for different reasons.

Going to test with Tsunami shotgun next!

Build Breakdown:

Main Weapon: St. Elmo's Engine
Secondary Weapon: CMMG Banshee SMG
Pistol: Firestarter

Mask: Coyote's Mask (Red Core)(CHD)
Chest: Striker's Battlegear (CHDx2) (Blue Core)
Holster: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Weapon Handling) (Blue Core)
Backpack: Striker's Battlegear (CHDx2)(Weapon Handling) (Blue Core)
Gloves: Deathgrips (CHC) (Blue Core)
Kneepads:Striker's Battlegear (CHD) (Blue Core)

Crusader Shield/Striker Shield
Revive Hive

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