Comments: 116-121: Unspoken Truths Whites And Others Need To Know

9 months ago

Comment Number 116 is on the FOX NEWS channel. Comment Number 117 is on the ALEX JONES INFO WARS channel. Comment Number 118 is on the STEFAN MOLYNEUX channel. Comment Number 119 and Comment Number 120 are on private video channels. Comment 121 is on the AFRISYNERGY channel. Why are all the public faces of the Obama Administration Black people; i.e., Holder, Jarret, Lynch and the Obamas? When you understand this, you will understand the extent and level of the corruption and thievery that exist in the Democratic party and how deep the rabbit hole runs. Obamacare will become a destructive force in America's Healthcare industry with full public support. White people worldwide need to have more babies to replace aging populations, otherwise population demographics and low birth rates will eventually wipe you out. Democrats did succeed in stopping Republicans before. It was called the Klu Klux Klan. Look back in history. Along with the old Klan strategy, they are now using an updated strategy that includes MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN and many other Media and Social Media Platforms.

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