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Jetix July 24, 2004 X-Men The Animated Series S1 Ep 2 Night Of The Sentinels Part 2
Continuing from the last episode... The Mutant Control Agency, outside of Washington D.C., sits peacefully at night with the moon overhead. Spotlights move around illuminating the perimeter. In the nearby foliage, Cyclops and Gambit walk up to get a better look while Rogue lands behind them. Rogue notes that they look as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Cyclops wants to know what is going on inside. Gambit, playing with his deck of cards, says that if he was in there they wouldn't have to worry. Just then, several armored vehicles drive by on the street towards the agency. Cyclops note that they got trouble. Inside the building, Storm flies through the halls while Wolverine, Beast, and Morph follow. Morph bumps his shoulder when he rounds the corner and goes through the doorway. They approach a closed door and Storm lands. On the other side, armed men aim their guns at the door. Storm opens the door slowly but Wolverine quickly stops her and shuts the door. He sniffs the air and smells gun oil. He reveals that there are security guards who are onto them. Inside, the guards look around confused. Suddenly, the door flashes and Storm blows the door and guards back with a mighty gust of wind. Beast jokes that he used to wonder how she got her codename. Outside, the armored vehicles stop inside the fence line. They open up releasing the armed soldiers. Suddenly, one is blasted by Cyclops' optic blast. He turns off the blast with his visor. He orders the others to keep the soldiers away from the building but not to harm any humans. He also warns to watch out for themselves as well. Gambit dodges an energy blast from one of the soldiers' guns. He tells Cyclops to tell their opponents not to hurt them. Inside, several guards protect a room. The door opens and a high ranking officer enters. He tells the men that they are under attack and to report to the guard room immediately. The men rush into the room. The officer stands in the doorway then changes into Morph. He closes the door and locks it while insulting them. He turns and says that it is clear sailing from there while the others enter. Storm tells them that they must destroy every file in the area. She orders Beast to the computers. He says that it is his pleasure and that no name shall remain. She walks over to the filing cabinets noting they must destroy the hard copies as well. However, she finds the drawers are locked. Wolverine stabs the drawer with his claws. He pulls them out flinging the lock off, saying it is now unlocked. At the terminal, Beast cracks into the database and begins pulling up files. In Detroit, Michigan, the US Motors factory lies abandoned and decrepit. Inside, Jubilee is awoken by the sound of a man's voice. He wants to ask her some questions about the mutants who saved her at the mall. He watches her on a television monitor. She claims not to know anything. She wonders why he is doing this to her since she hasn't done anything and is just a child. Jubilee looks around seeing mechanical arms above her. Behind the man, an enormous robot lies in wait. The man claims that she has already been a burden to her foster parents. He also warns that as her powers grow in strength she will endanger everyone around her. She cries out that it is not her fault she was born that way. He claims she can help, by identifying the most dangerous mutants of all. He picks up a recorder and presses Play. Gambit's voice is heard saying not to mess with the X-Men. He wants to know who the X-Men are. A second man interrupts demanding to know why the other man, Gyrich, brought a mutant there. He demands to know who she is. Gyrich states that Jubilee is just a random person from the files and a test to see how easily mutants can be captured. The man thought they had agreed not to attack any mutants until they had one hundred of the robots, called Sentinels. Gyrich tells the man, named Trask, that he is building them too slowly. He wonders if he is paying Trask enough and wonders what he is waiting for. Just then, Gyrich's cell phone rings. He flips it open and answers. He listens then orders the person to eliminate the mutants immediately. He tells Trask that there is a problem at the agency. Back at the agency, an armored vehicle lies on its side. Soldiers stand behind it firing at their enemies. One guard turns to see Rogue swooping out of the sky towards him. She picks up two armored vehicles, one in each hand, and flies them over to a small pond. She drops both in suggesting they go for a swim, then jokes about getting a moonburn. Meanwhile, soldiers fire at Gambit. He dodges and throws a card at them. It blows knocking the soldiers aside and Gambit claims victory. Behind him, Cyclops touches his communicator and tells Storm to hurry before someone is hurt. Inside, Storm acknowledges as Morph throws files onto a fire. He tells Storm that they are done as that was the last of the files. Nearby, Wolverine struggles to keep the door closed while the guards bang on the other side. He tells Beast to hurry. Beast says a quote about never hurrying. Beast finishes up a virus saying that soon the files will be destroyed. However, Storm uses lightning to destroy the computer. She apologizes saying they have no time for poetry. She creates a rain cloud to put out the fire and tells Cyclops that they were successful and are coming out. Cyclops acknowledges and orders everyone to return to the Blackbird. He has Gambit blow the fence. The two men run to the perimeter while Rogue flies behind them. Just then, the front door of the building explodes. A guard yells at them to stop and put up their hands. The spotlight follows the team. Cyclops stops, turns, and fires cutting the tower in half. As the top falls, Rogue snatches the guard out of the air. The guard tells the "freak" to put him down. She agrees and drops him so he slams into the dirt. Gambit charges a card then blows the fence. The others from inside escape and join the outside team. He approaches the hole and lets the others go through. Wolverine tells them to hurry as they are missing dinner. As they flee, Morph notes that he was right and it is clear sailing. However, as they approach the treeline a Sentinel appear out of the woods. Wolverine pulls out his claws threatening the destroy the mechanical opponents. Morph sees two more then cries out for Wolverine to pull back. He runs forward. Back at the mansion inside the War Room, Jean Grey wears a helmet and suddenly cries out. Professor X turns and asks her what is wrong. She pulls off the helmet and kneels to the ground. She says that it is Morph and wonders if he can feel it. He hovers over to her and picks up the helmet putting it on. He then notes that he senses nothing. Later, the Blackbird approaches the mansion then lowers itself into the hidden hanger landing near two smaller aircraft. Inside, Cyclops stands and walks out. Storm looks at an empty seat and begins sobbing. The stairs descend and Cyclops disembarks. Wolverine follows calling out to him. Cyclops tries to empathize with Wolverine and begins to disagree. However, Wolverine sucker punches him in the gut and he goes down. Wolverine claims he knows nothing and threatens to do it again and pulls out his claws. On his knees, Cyclops gets tired of his attitude. His visor glows. Gambit walks out to see them. Cyclops stands and Wolverine wants to see how tough he is when he isn't barking orders. Just then, Jean approaches yelling at them to stop. Wolverine tells Jean that "soldier boy" left the others behind. He claims that Morph and Beast could possibly be alive. Jean says that Beast is, prompting Wolverine to wonder about Morph. She shakes her head and buries her face into Cyclops' chest to cry. Gambit puts his hand on Wolverine's shoulder saying that Morph is gone. Wolverine brushes it off and storms out. In the garage, Wolverine climbs into his Jeep. He looks at the other car and slides out the passenger side. He pulls out his claws and cries out that everyone else is a coward. Jean enters and sees what he is doing. He flips off the ruined top shattering the glass. He tells Jean to inform Cyclops that he now owns a convertible. He climbs back into his Jeep. She tells him that what happened wasn't because of Cyclops. Ignoring her, he drives off. She calls out to him saying that it wasn't his fault either. Cyclops stands in the doorway watching. Wolverine drives down the twisting road, his tires squealing with each turn. He thinks about Morph and Beast. The Sentinel appeared out of the trees. Morph ordered him back. His friend ran forward and shoved him down the hill. The Sentinel fired from its hand blasting the area Wolverine once stood but was then occupied by Morph. Beast screamed as the others approached. The Sentinel fired hitting Beast square in the chest. He was knocked back into the electrified fence. He fell down unconscious. Cyclops called out to him and Rogue offered to go. However, she was blasted out of the sky by another Sentinel blast. Wolverine rushed forward threatening them with his adamantium claws. He ran towards three of them but the center one shot a bola from its hand. It wrapped around his foot and the Sentinel swung him over its head. Wolverine cried out as he was launched into the forest. Cyclops watched him go then fired at one Sentinel knocking it back. Another one fired its energy blast at him. It landed nearby tosses Cyclops aside. Gambit ran forward tossing a card that blasted both remaining Sentinels. He ran to Rogue and picked her up. He carried her past Cyclops telling him to blast them. Cyclops blasted the last two in each knee and they fell down, one on top of the other. As Gambit ran, Rogue offered to fly him away as another Sentinel landed in front of them. Cyclops blasted the leg off the new one and it fell, but another arrived nearby. Yet another landed in front of him as a blast came from behind. Cyclops turned and fired but the previous one fired knocking him down. Just then a blast of lightning hit the Sentinel shorting it out. Cyclops ordered Wolverine to pull back. Storm landed near Cyclops, who was blasting another robot, saying they were being overwhelmed and needed to retreat. More Sentinels landed all around them. Storm grabbed Cyclops and flew away while being fired upon. Down on the ground, guards shot into the air. Blasts went off all around Storm and Cyclops. The team returned to the Blackbird as Wolverine struggled to stand. Cyclops told Wolverine that they needed to get going. Wolverine insulted Cyclops saying that X-Men don't run. He offers to go back for Morph and Beast. Cyclops stated that they couldn't help them. Wolverine told "Junior" that maybe Cyclops couldn't but he could and pulled out his claws. He started to walk away and Cyclops called out to him. Wolverine claimed that he went where he wanted to. As he passed Rogue, she said that he wouldn't this time. She took off her glove and grabbed his arm. Energy coursed from Wolverine to Rogue. She said she had to be careful to pull enough energy to knock him out but not enough to hurt him. He eventually fell to the ground. He called out to Beast and Morph not wanting to leave them. Back in the present, Wolverine continues driving down the road. The next day, the Jeep lies parked next to a cliff. Wolverine crouches on the edge promising to avenge his friend and pulls out his claws. Back at the agency, a guard cries out that they have one of the mutant intruders cornered and to send help. Another guard orders Beast to hold it while they surround him. A Sentinel crouches behind the guards telling them to stand aside and let it take care of the survivor. The head guard reminds the robot that it was sent to help not take over. He claims the prisoner is his. The Sentinel watches and scans the man. Beast begins to cry as he realizes Morph is gone. Some time later, Beast is in a cell praying. Gyrich enters wanting to ask him some questions to the mutant standing on the wall. Beast gets angry and tells him another time. Gyrich claims he will return. Gyrich leaves and the guards close the cell door leaving Beast in the dark. Later, a reporter on television introduces the President of the United States of America. A woman comes on introducing herself to her fellow Americans. Outside of Andrew's TV, passerby's watch the President's address. She claims that renegade mutants attacked the headquarters of the Federal Security Agency. In the War Room, the address is watched by Gambit, Rogue, Cyclops, and Professor X. The President says that the attack was stopped by experimental robot policemen called Sentinels. Cyclops' visor glows as he discovers the robot's name. In some bar, Logan begins to play pool breaking apart the balls. Two men, each holding cue sticks watch. The reporter then introduces a reply to the speech by Senator Robert Kelly. Kelly appears and begins to talk about the incidents at the New Salem Mall and Mutant Control Agency. However, Logan yells out to shut that garbage off. One of the other pool players tells "fur-face" to leave since that is their table. Two thugs approach him on either side. Logan replies that he bets it is then plays anyways. Another thug catches the cue ball before it connects. He says that the "runt" didn't hear him. Logan gets in his face and pulls out his claws. Doesn't know who he's messing with The thug realizes that Logan is a mutant and backs away. Behind him, the man who caught the cue ball holds it up while the owner approaches with a bat ordering him out. He does not want Logan's "kind" around. The thug tells him to return to the freak show. Logan replies that he goes where he wants to. Just then, Scott interrupts saying that he needs to talk to Logan. The head thug stops him telling "four eyes" to stay out. Scott asks if he would hit a man with glasses. The thug tells him to take them off and lifts them with the pool cue. These guys definitely bit off more than they could chew Just then, his optic blasts tears apart the pool table. The thug tells him to put them back on and hands them back. Outside, Logan tells Scott not to bother apologizing for running out on Beast. Scott claims he does not apologize for command decisions. Logan gets in his Jeep. Scott crouches next to him and asks if he wants to find the Sentinel's home base. Logan asks when and where. At the White House, Gyrich enters a room holding a file noting that the president wanted to see him. On her Stairmaster in a yellow jumpsuit, she congratulates him and Dr. Trask and then orders them to stop anything involving their privately run Mutant Registration Program. Maybe there was a reason behind the attack He demands to know why. She points out that the "renegade mutants" were willing to sacrifice their lives to destroy the files. She wants to know if there was any reason for them to be that afraid. Without replying, Gyrich leaves. Outside, he calls her a fool. He throws his file scattering the papers. Just then his phone rings. He answers then wonders if "he" is still there. On the other end, Jubilee's foster father says he will try to keep "him" there as long as he can. He hangs up and walks over to a tray of soda and brings them into his living room. He offers one to Scott who accepts and thanks him. Martha tells her husband that Scott believes Jubilee was kidnapped by the Sentinels that the President talked about. He spills the tray and wonders why anyone would do that. Scott explains that people fear what they do not understand. Bad decisions for good reasons
He suddenly tells Scott that he needs to leave right away. He explains that "they" told them that if anyone came asking about Jubilee to call them. Scott reassures him that he did nothing wrong, that he just wanted to help Jubilee and he has. Scott walks out of the house onto the street. A Sentinel approaches from behind the house across from him ordering him to surrender. Scott puts his arms up complying, then quickly lifts his glasses and blasts the robot's arm off. The arm falls off slamming into the ground outside of a door scaring the man inside. The robot, designation Sentinel 14, reports that it has been damaged by an unknown mutant. Scott and Logan run down the street and between two buildings. The Sentinel announces that it will return to base for repairs. Part of the neighborhood watch It lifts off further scaring the neighbor. It lifts into the air leaving its arm behind. In the Blackbird, Storm explains she has the Sentinel on radar. Scott agrees to follow. He and Logan enter the Blackbird and Rogue seems excited to follow. Making their move The Blackbird lifts off and rockets forward through the air. The Sentinel flies over a city with the Blackbird close behind. Cyclops and Storm man the pilot seats. Back at US Motors, mechanical arms piece together a Sentinel. They work on the insides, attach an arm, then attach a hand. Trask watches over the automated process as Gyrich approaches. Gyrich tells Trask to start packing and the doctor wonders why, using a remote to stop the arms and lifting his welder's mask. Not going as planned Gyrich explains that the President cancelled the government support of their mutant registration and he fears the Sentinel program will be next. Gyrich decides to move the operation overseas. Gyrich is interrupted by the sound of an approaching Sentinel. The disarmed Sentinel flies through the glass in the ceiling then crashes to the ground damaging some equipment. In her cell, the mechanical arms power down and one of the shackles open. Jubilee sits up looking at her freed hands. On the factor floor, Gyrich wonders if the Sentinels can watch where they are going. Unleashing her true self In her cell, Jubilee hopes that whatever happened keeps those "slime balls" busy. She shoots the shackle holding her other hand then shoots both holding her feet. He stands and fires at the wall. She continues a concentrated blast until the wall starts melting. On the floor, Gyrich notices the wall buckling and tells Trask to look out. Suddenly the wall bursts open. Jubilee leaps through the ruined door, over the Sentinel, and out onto the floor. Gyrich yells to stop her. As Jubilee runs, a Sentinel lands in front of her. She jokes that this is the wrong way and turns to run as the robot raises its hand. Already cornered She stops when she finds herself surrounded on all sides all ordering her to stop. She falls to her knees just wanting to go home. Just then, Cyclops tells her to duck. She looks up and sees him standing in the rafters. Two Sentinels are blasted by Cyclops. A third turns towards him and he misses hitting it. However, a second blast hits it square in the chest. Revenge of the Mutants It backs up, smoke pouring from the hole, then slams onto the ground. Gyrich grabs Trask and leads him out. He promises that their work is just beginning. Jubilee runs as another Sentinel chases her. Suddenly, playing cards rain down on the robot breaking it apart. Learning to trust him Gambit swings down to the floor behind her asking if she missed him. She runs into his arms hugging him. He takes that as a yes. He turns to see Rogue punching a Sentinel until the head flies off and it falls backwards. As a second Sentinel approaches, the first slams down onto the assembly line. Cyclops blasts a Sentinel knocking it down. Tables are turning One Sentinel turns and raises its hand to attack, but is blasted by Storm's lightning. She flies down as another turns towards her. It fires but she dodges it and blasts it as well. The Sentinel continues firing but she evades the attack. Eventually, it begins launching into the air. Storm flies out through the damaged skylight followed by the Sentinel. In the sky, she begins forming a mighty storm. Lighting strikes her and she redirects the power into the robot. It falls back towards the factory. Still a force to be reckoned with Rogue evades the falling Sentinel as it goes back through the skylight. It falls to the ground and breaks apart. She doesn't notice one coming up behind her. It slams its fist down knocking her to the ground. Flipping things around, literally She gets up saying they need to learn to behave. She flies up and flips it over. It slams into the ground breaking apart. Unfortunately, another blasts her from behind. It continues a sustained attack as Wolverine climbs a pile of tires behind it. He leaps onto its back digging his claws in until he catches on. If only there was a team dedicated to avenging Wolverine could join He climbs up towards the head and it starts spinning around trying to get at him. He cries out that this is for Morph then digs his claws into its head. Electricity encompasses the head. Wolverine continues digging his claws into its back as it falls to the ground. A real victory this time Storm shocks another Sentinel. It falls and Rogue flies to her while Gambit and Jubilee walk up. Cyclops wonder if that was all of them. The destroyed wreckage of Sentinels surround them. The other X-Men approach them. Rogue asks if that was enough. Later, a man loads suitcases into a taxi. Jubilee tells her foster parents that they were the best ones she ever had. She explains that Professor Xavier's school is the best place for people like her. Saying good bye for now Martha asks if she will visit them. She replies that of course she will and hugs them both. She gets in the cab and the three wave goodbye at each other. The father hugs his wife as they watch her go. He was given the no-win scenario Back at the mansion, Jean watches the taxi approach. Scott calls her over and asks if he did the right thing with Beast and Morph. She reassures him that he did what he had to, and so did they. Starting a new life Outside, Jubilee takes out her bags and the taxi drives off. She approaches the door and rings the doorbell. The door opens and she enters.
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