Wig Watch: Bernard Lever

4 months ago

At Minshull Street Crown Court, #Manchester #England Judge #BernardLever jailed a scammer couple from #Pakistan for ten months jail each.

But in an unusual move he delayed locking up Kamal until this week after her husband had been released having served half his sentence. It means their youngsters will not be taken into care at further expense to the taxpayer.

It is thought the couple will now have to sell the two cars and help pay back the money, 40,000 pounds annually stolen from the taxpayer. The wealthy Pakistani couple who swindled £40,000 a year in benefits after they claimed political asylum in Britain were jailed six months apart so their children aren’t taken into care. #SyedZaidi, 41, and #RizwanaKamal, 40, claimed they were persecuted in Pakistan with little to no proof. The couple arrived in the #UK in 2012 and asked the #HomeOffice for food and shelter. But they secretly squirreled away £250,000 in 8 bank accounts before their arrival which escaped authorities' notice. A whistleblower saw the couple bought two cars and called anti-fraud hotline -- thank you whistleblower !

Both were denied taxpayer-funded legal aid due to their savings and represented themselves during their crown court hearings. Both admitted benefit fraud charges.

The judge said: 'The public will not tolerate this serious offence, with thousands of pounds of public money being dishonestly claimed by intelligent people such as yourselves. This is a tragic case for you children because you and your husband both graduated university, you had thousands of pounds in the bank and you have claimed hardworking tax payers money.

'You are intelligent people who graduated university. You came here and had your young children, who I have made sure that they have a loving parent to take care of them so they aren't taken into care in the way I sentenced your husband to his time first, and now you must."


Martin Robinson, "Wealthy Pakistani couple who swindled £40,000 a year in benefits after they claimed political asylum in Britain are jailed six months apart so their children aren’t taken into care", Daily Mail, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4446760/Wealthy-Pakistani-asylum-seekers-jailed-six-months-apart.html

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