Episode 443: Snarky Sam Adams

10 months ago

See full description at: https://bit.ly/3QY35Rq

Snarky Sam Adams was a master of language. Sam could be sharply critical by cutting deep into the psyche of his enemies with truth. During the 1700’s, sharp language was used in satire as well as directly attacking a person, all respectfully of course. This is important as I want to talk about hope to those who were taken aback with my program last week.

The hope is in that I wanted you to think with a solid footing as well as through a difficult alternative perspective as to why we are seeing evil predominate at all levels of government, which includes the family and church. I want to challenge your evangelical presuppositions in politics, family, church as well as work/business which is warped by unitarianism and evangelicalism that has succumbed to pansy-ism, I mean polytheistic pandering to pluralism/humanism.

I have proven this pluralistic polytheism in discussing the false concept of Congress being Christian in the several programs where I covered the topic last month, here and here.

When, last week, I introduced you to the facts that many of those called Founders were unitarians, I must remind you that Sam Adams was a strong trinitarian, Reformed Calvinist. So much so that he lived his Calvinism in a true covenantal manner regarding family, work and his activities in the political sphere. To which then he received the moniker ‘The Last Puritan.’ And the historical facts are that those who landed on American shores, especially in the northern colonies were Reformed Calvinist Christians.

This is quantified by Gary Scott Smith in his book ‘God and Politics: Four Views on the Reformation of Civil Government‘ by writing,
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