Poor Jesus...He can't seem to stop Kundalini

9 months ago

I was in the Revival in Toronto for 9 months. I was living in a pastor's retreat in Buffalo NY and we went up to the Toronto Airport Fellowship four to five times a week for 9 months. We went to 2 services a day. I was in over 300 services. Each one lasting five to six hours. I was there in the middle of this world wide revival and what I can tell you is that it was not Kundalini.

If you weren't there you can't possibly know what you are talking about. The people making the hit piece videos about people making animal noises are lying to you. They are only showing you a small part of what really went on there. What about the 30 to 50 healings and deliverance testimonies that I heard in each service. That's about 15,000 personal testimonies that I personally heard myself. One was more glorious than the next. Is Kundalini healing and delivering people. How about the 50 to 100 million people that were born again from this move of God. How about all of the healed marriages and ministers who had their vision restored. If you want to get the whole story...listen to this and the messages I will be delivering from now on. It's go time.

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