Far Cry 2 - missions: Chemical Red pumps - map Leboa-Sako (Northern District)

5 months ago

On the map Leboa-Sako (Northern District) after accepted mission from UFLL my buddy Quarbani called me.
This time I chose the mission from Quarbani but you can see the UFLL mission: https://youtu.be/wBnKWfzua8s at 36:42

Far Cry 2 [Windows]
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE5pFnjIWrS2-Q3S1VENOGkgAgpenPFVJ

● Difficulty: Normal
● Version: 1.03
● Resolution: 2560 x 1440
● Character: Warren Clyde
● DLC: "Fortunes pack"
● Act 1
● Far Cry 2 Multi Fixer Laucher:
» Patches:
Jackal Tapes Fix
» Bonus Content:
Predecessor Tapes Unlock;
Machetes Unlock
» Launch Options:

0:00 Father Maliya
1:09 UFLL
3:30 Call from Quarbani
4:15 *Objective:* Reach the Underground cell southwest of Pala.
9:15 *Objective:* Meet Quarbani Singh who might have a better deal.
11:00 *Objective:* Pick up the defoliant canister from the chemical dump shed.
13:10 *Objective:* Deliver the defoliant canister to Quarbani Singh.
29:15 Weapon store
31:05 *Objective:* Destroy the red pumps in the greenhouse.
35:44 *Objective:* Reach Quarbani Singh's crash site before it's too late.

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