UK Government Issue Warning For People To PREP FOOD & SUPPLIES!

9 months ago

UK Government Issue Warning For People To PREP FOOD & SUPPLIES! The deputy prime minister is speaking at the London Defence Conference on Wednesday where he will say "resilience begins at home", with a poll by the conference showing only 15% of people have an emergency supply kit in their homes, and more than 40% do not have three days' supplies of non-perishable items.

The new website is part of Mr Dowden's push to ensure the UK is more resilient to growing threats, ranging from natural disasters and water outages to conflicts.

Last year, he introduced a new emergency alert system so mobile phones get sent a loud alert sound if there is a risk to life in the area.

A government source said the new website is part of the "largest overhaul of resilience in decades", which will also involve new training for MPs and a new programme to model what would happen in another pandemic. - SHTF SURVIVAL PREPPER SPECIAL

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