Sudani: We will not let projects stop in any governorate, their completion will change the economic

9 months ago

Al-Sudani: We will not let the projects stop in any governorate, and their completion will change the economic and social reality

⁠link⁠ to My FX Buddies Blog post

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed today, Thursday, that we will not let the projects stop in any governorate, indicating that their completion will change the economic and social reality of the governorate.

The media office of the Prime Minister stated, in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, that “Al-Sudani chaired, in the Najaf Governorate building, a meeting of directors and officials of service departments and formations, during which the reality of services in the governorate was reviewed, and the most prominent problems and obstacles facing the progress of implementation of service projects.”

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