HK excess capacity breakfast

10 months ago

HK breakfast video: one breakfast at McDoxxxd in Hawai’i without fresh eggs, frozen bacon & hash brown & coffee cost US$14. Two excess capacity HK breakfast cost only US$11.00 serves inside a clean air conditioning restaurant by servers and you pay no tips or taxes. The world loves excessive capacity except US & EU because they are unable to compete just like the EV, therefore they could overcharged Americans but unable to compete in the real world due to overpriced. 香港早餐: 一份夏威夷McDoxxxd的早餐,沒有新鮮雞蛋、冷藏培根、薯餅和無味淡咖啡,價格為14美元。在香港兩份產能過剩港式早餐僅需 11.00 美元,由服務員在乾淨的空調餐廳內提供,無需支付小費或稅費。世界都喜歡產能過剩,除了美國和歐盟,因為他們不須要競爭被美國政府保護,所以可以向客戶收取過高的費用,就像電動汔車一樣,所以今天美國企業無法與現實世界競爭!

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