Limited Atonement - what is it and what is wrong with it?

8 months ago

Limited Atonement was invented by Theodore Beza (a second generation reformer) based purely on philosophical concerns that assumed theistic determinism.

It is completely unbiblical. Calvinists who believe this (not all do, including Calvin himself) have to use the Negative Inference Fallacy on a few verses that they imagine support their position and ignore numerous other verses that destroy this lie.

Jesus Christ died for all. His gift of eternal life is offered to ALL. Only those who receive Him are forgiven and redeemed. This is not about universalism which we agree with the Calvinists is heresy. Not all receive the atonement. But limited atonement is not about who receives it. It's about whether Christ died for all (as scripture teaches) or only some (as Limitarians teach).

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